
Captain_Mazhar t1_jdd0q3a wrote

As someone who works in higher education finance, it's not that simple. Endowments are not a general fund that can be redirected and tapped for revenue. Most of an endowment is made up from thousands of donors who have specifically earmarked their donations for specific uses, for example paying for more staff at a favored college, or funding research. Those are legal agreements that cannot be redirected without the consent of each donor.

The only sources of redirectable income are state appropriations and tuition/fees. They are not entailed income, so they can be redirected, however much of it is needed for upkeep/maintenance/salaries.


Captain_Mazhar t1_jdczumy wrote

For the last decade, venture capital was throwing billions and billions of dollars at startups who could afford to burn reserves because money was cheap, betting on market share over current profitability.

Now that money is getting more expensive, we are coming into phase 2 of that, and we will see who remains when the flood of cheap money dries up.


Captain_Mazhar t1_jaen8jx wrote

I can see only three paths here that are feasible(ish) with the current positions of the parties.

  • UK dumps Northern Ireland and NI becomes a separate nation and Brexit goes through

  • Irish reunification under the Good Friday Agreement with a hard barrier in the Irish Sea

  • Brexit fails as the EU won't accept a sucker deal.


Captain_Mazhar t1_j9c7sbq wrote

And it's a pretty sweet ride too.

The Jimmy Carter is one of the remnants of the Seawolf program, designed to counter the Typhoon and Akula submarines at the height of the Cold War. She is top of the line in just about everything.

Not only that, the Carter is a one-off variant, including a 100 foot extension, cable-splicing capability, ROVs, Navy SEALS, and a whole lot more classified goodies, I presume.


Captain_Mazhar t1_isy0wba wrote

Yep, same here in Texas. There is an absolutely stupid legal loophole regarding personalized items, which the Texas penal code assigns a value of zero because somehow they have no resale value, thus no market rate, so our ethics board had to put an internal rule in place regarding that.