CrunchyCrunch816 t1_jbiuevg wrote
Reply to In testimony and rally, crowds oppose Republican-backed bills targeting LGBTQ youth by kitchinsink
More trans suicides. Fuck conservative trash
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_jabwp81 wrote
Reply to Decriminalizing Psilocybin by Agile_Grizzly
You guys realize how many boomers live in CT right? They’d rather get shipped back To Vietnam then see this
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_jabw5wd wrote
Fuck the Irving family
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_j9abvnt wrote
Reply to NH c list by Royal_Gur_2651
Jesus this sub really pays off
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_j6r83xy wrote
Reply to Do all homes in New Hampshire look like a commander from Handmaid’s tale lives there? by BigJeff25
OP you sound like an asshole
Time to move just south to MA where you’ll fit in with all the cool modern dudes
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_j6r7zxv wrote
Reply to comment by bsmith696969 in Do all homes in New Hampshire look like a commander from Handmaid’s tale lives there? by BigJeff25
Ah that NH warmth <3
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_j6842mf wrote
Reply to Rent just keeps going up by 13DGMHatch
Landlords downvoting this
Just a fact whole market is up 5%
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_j19xw75 wrote
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_j15z2yr wrote
Reply to Hannaford rotisserie chicken 🍗 by jevamoka
Try ALDI if it’s by you
and I know it’s in NH but if you live close it’s clutch
Best prices hands down in food.
Yes you have to get used to it
Focus on the price tags, this is the price sensitive option
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_iynclbp wrote
Reply to comment by ralettar in Shaheen blasts proposal to move SC ahead of NH primary by fins4ever
So just because you live in a dangerous area doesn’t mean you deserve democracy, the same inalienable rights we all have? Your crime stats aren’t relevant to this discussion, as we all deserve democracy (a basic American value)
This is about making the people who represent us more reflective of our actual population. Why is it, for example, marijuana, supported by 70% of the country is still federally illegal? Because our reps don’t rep us!!!!
That’s democracy, that’s the practice of it, the people in congress should rep the people, we should strengthen that system by making it more of a representation of the actual people
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_iymao73 wrote
Reply to comment by ralettar in Shaheen blasts proposal to move SC ahead of NH primary by fins4ever
Look at the stats more. The proportions of the country don’t match at all with NH. The variance is getting larger as the years go on, our country is indeed changing as nothing stays the same!!, to be democratic, we should perhaps shift to a more diverse state
This is especially important for democrats who are pushing this in particular
NH is very very special, the best state IMO, but we should realize this limitation
This source shows it the easiest
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_iym9xf1 wrote
Reply to comment by ralettar in Shaheen blasts proposal to move SC ahead of NH primary by fins4ever
The main issue is we’re mostly white and that doesn’t represent America
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_ivxjfve wrote
Reply to James Roesener is the first out trans man elected to a U.S. state legislature by Geek-Haven888
Give the crackheads in charge in concord a couple weeks with this
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_ivoechh wrote
He won by a large margin making it easier to call, they essentially assume incoming votes that haven’t been counted will hold similar ratios
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_ivfx4g7 wrote
Reply to comment by SasquatchGroomer in Question 2 - "Shall there be a convention to amend or revise the constitution?" by DietCokeMachine
Amazing context Sasquatch!
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_jdm5i2m wrote
Reply to Glenvale Solar, a Boston-based company, is planning to install a 240-acre solar installation in Keene, with construction beginning in 2026 by TurretLauncher
Leave the woods alone. Stop selling out to big city folks. There’s plenty of parking lot space. That’s not profitable enough though
Horse shit stinks