EasterBunnyArt t1_iy8cqf9 wrote
Reply to comment by Lemon_LostSock in Social media firms face big UK fines if they fail to stop sexist and racist content by diacewrb
Good, fuck them. Never trust a ginger and their fabulous hair….
EasterBunnyArt t1_iy80nqf wrote
Reply to comment by HarleyyR in “stray” kitten in a closed bed store. owner i passed. what a great owner by HarleyyR
An honest and wise reply
EasterBunnyArt t1_iy7w0gz wrote
Reply to This will forever be my favorite picture of her. She loves Christmas. [OC] by noplacelikesoul
Definitely giving off “I am the main Christmas present” vibes. Happy holidays and merry Christmas to your family.
EasterBunnyArt t1_ixpygyy wrote
Reply to comment by NeverInept in Amazon Faces Black Friday Protests, Strikes in 40 Countries by nacorom
There is a difference between intentionally failing and the overall idea being useless. Just because Republicans have been gutting public investments for decades does not mean other nations haven’t made it work. Hell, a preliminary search in my corner and it seems most government housing is just financing private housing these days. We even have the discussions on NPR here and it will be private building going forward with mandatory fixed affordability. So all in all the public access will still be private but with some expected to be available for cheap. At least for a few years and then we tend to forget about it.
EasterBunnyArt t1_ixpwzm6 wrote
Reply to comment by demmian in Amazon Faces Black Friday Protests, Strikes in 40 Countries by nacorom
Exactly, which is what is happening already. You need to remove tax breaks from nested companies and apply them to all if they are under an umbrella. I recall last year or so Germany had a report on one company having like 50 nested companies.
EasterBunnyArt t1_ixnunx9 wrote
Reply to comment by ibond_007 in Amazon Faces Black Friday Protests, Strikes in 40 Countries by nacorom
Or have the government actually build rent controlled buildings instead of expecting for profits to solve issues through altruism.
EasterBunnyArt t1_iwhcons wrote
Reply to comment by FreekFrealy in Recycled wastewater is not only as safe to drink as conventional potable water, it may even be less toxic than many sources of water we already drink daily by giuliomagnifico
Nah, I like the headline where we basically admitted to having polluted the world so badly waste water is better though viewed as the opposite.
EasterBunnyArt t1_ivzlp2l wrote
Reply to comment by StaleCanole in Deforestation and grassland conversion are the biggest causes of biodiversity loss, study shows by Additional-Two-7312
As long as it allows for biodiversity a d is being left alone I am all for it as well. But you are right it tends to be ignored. Actually now that I think of it, why do we focus on forests and not all types of environments?
EasterBunnyArt t1_ivxvvy0 wrote
Reply to comment by foxmetropolis in Deforestation and grassland conversion are the biggest causes of biodiversity loss, study shows by Additional-Two-7312
Exactly this! Well put.
EasterBunnyArt OP t1_iuj3yft wrote
Reply to comment by druppolo in Eli5 How did humanity manage to ventilate mines? by EasterBunnyArt
Interesting. Makes sense once explained but never thought of it that way.
EasterBunnyArt OP t1_iuj3fkg wrote
Reply to comment by Flonase2000 in Eli5 How did humanity manage to ventilate mines? by EasterBunnyArt
Also adding those to my list, thank you.
EasterBunnyArt OP t1_iuixgpu wrote
Reply to comment by Flonase2000 in Eli5 How did humanity manage to ventilate mines? by EasterBunnyArt
Thank you for the suggestion of the book, now I am definitely curious.
EasterBunnyArt OP t1_iuipks0 wrote
Reply to comment by svenson_26 in Eli5 How did humanity manage to ventilate mines? by EasterBunnyArt
Sounds like it
EasterBunnyArt OP t1_iuiiu34 wrote
Reply to comment by copnonymous in Eli5 How did humanity manage to ventilate mines? by EasterBunnyArt
Interesting thank you for enlightening me as well. 😀
EasterBunnyArt OP t1_iuiislf wrote
Reply to comment by GreenStrong in Eli5 How did humanity manage to ventilate mines? by EasterBunnyArt
Interesting thank you for enlightening me. 😀
EasterBunnyArt OP t1_iuifcto wrote
Reply to comment by frakc in Eli5 How did humanity manage to ventilate mines? by EasterBunnyArt
EasterBunnyArt t1_it3wy3t wrote
Reply to comment by Tulol in German leader warns against 'worldwide renaissance' for coal by Wagamaga
Challenge accepted. Since I live in the US I shall need to find a remote and wooded area to perform this maneuver. Don’t want to get a record for indecent exposure. Not like the average person will see it without a microscope in this weather. 😀
EasterBunnyArt t1_it2zsov wrote
Reply to comment by Sillbinger in Robotic suit gives paralyzed children gift of walking by Sorin61
Just steal the batteries?
EasterBunnyArt t1_it2vgs7 wrote
Reply to comment by FreezingRobot in German leader warns against 'worldwide renaissance' for coal by Wagamaga
But I love my willie blowing in the freezing wind….
EasterBunnyArt t1_isxiuhu wrote
I like the Roman pencil. Seems a bit too proud of himself but what can you do, but love the Republic.
EasterBunnyArt t1_iy8rha4 wrote
Reply to comment by iller_mitch in Listening to podcasts may help satisfy our psychological need for social connection, study finds by mossadnik
Add lets plays as well (at least for me).
There are a lot of games I have no interest or skill in playing but I love the lore and stories. I also love listening to stuff when I paint so it makes painting less quiet.