FloodMoose t1_jeewh3d wrote
I fully expect the AI gen image in less than an hour. Pope Eating Pizza While Busting Out Of Hospital
FloodMoose t1_jdvp5ym wrote
Reply to comment by CaptServo in When you need a new bottle opener, and also a reminder that better places exist than the Southern states where you’ve been living the past 20 years by Rauschenbusch
Totalies dildos
FloodMoose t1_jdhx43a wrote
Reply to comment by Rofel_Wodring in Artificial Intelligence Predicts Genetics of Cancerous Brain Tumors in Under 90 Seconds by JackFisherBooks
This could be a great thing, considering the medical personnel shortage...
FloodMoose t1_jdhwzqj wrote
Reply to Artificial Intelligence Predicts Genetics of Cancerous Brain Tumors in Under 90 Seconds by JackFisherBooks
Can I sign up? It might be a tumah
FloodMoose t1_jd8hw01 wrote
An excellent app that went to die at the forbidden apple...
FloodMoose t1_jbvoc3u wrote
Reply to comment by SourSackAttack in Scientists call for global action to clean up space junk by thebelsnickle1991
Close. Ray Theon
FloodMoose t1_jbtnxbt wrote
Yo we can't even clean up Earth junk... how's this going to actually happen
FloodMoose t1_j5581xl wrote
Reply to "Native Land Digital" is an indigenous-led, Canadian-based non-profit group seeking to raise awareness of where original Native American tribes owned property. They admit that this is a work in progress, not perfect, and seek corrections. Thought the CT map (with some NY) was quite interesting. by CTHistory42
There's a newly launched CT data webpage that may help with this too. Lots of datasets were made available at the end of last year.
FloodMoose t1_j557l3p wrote
Reply to comment by adam_west_ in "Native Land Digital" is an indigenous-led, Canadian-based non-profit group seeking to raise awareness of where original Native American tribes owned property. They admit that this is a work in progress, not perfect, and seek corrections. Thought the CT map (with some NY) was quite interesting. by CTHistory42
The land definitely played a role. There's occupation along the major rivers.
FloodMoose t1_j3df03j wrote
FloodMoose t1_j2bhyp0 wrote
Reply to comment by IndicationOver in 4 CT Counties at High Levels Amid ‘Long-Anticipated Winter COVID-19 Surge’ by IndicationOver
It's a novel coronavirus. I'd imagine we have a few years before it's generally tame, as far as a coronavirus goes. Long term effects still suck. Especially given it's newly hypothesized ability to activate dormant illness within a person. No doubt, the virus can fuck off, but it's likely going to be around for a bit.
FloodMoose t1_j2apf32 wrote
Reply to 4 CT Counties at High Levels Amid ‘Long-Anticipated Winter COVID-19 Surge’ by IndicationOver
This is what a typical coronavirus does, correct? As far as I understand it, if a person is up to date on vaccinations, chances of severe disease is minimal. Long covid aside, it's not looking like a big issue, correct? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
FloodMoose t1_j20guk8 wrote
This type of thing was looked at years ago, a company was interested in the old Stratford Army Engine Plant. But that facility is so heavily contaminated it wasn't cost effective to purchase.
FloodMoose t1_j1hta1g wrote
Reply to Good resource for CT road conditions? by ajcast5201
I saw this a few minutes ago. I haven't used it but figured I'd pass it along.
FloodMoose t1_j147wd5 wrote
How open are you to using cannabinoids for potential aid in insomnia?
FloodMoose t1_j0s3pky wrote
FloodMoose t1_iycwpoq wrote
Reply to comment by nutmegger2020 in CT socialite Hadley Palmer sentenced to 1 year in prison after filming naked minors by plopplopfizzfizz1
...you should Google Ghislaine Maxwell... women do this shit too. There are several still operating at Mar a Lago...
FloodMoose t1_iy9qe3o wrote
White Nose Syndrome
We've known about the problem for a while. It's not good. Are bats a keystone species? We will likely find out...
FloodMoose t1_ixysq1m wrote
Reply to comment by taipan__ in The work we’ve done in the legislature with two governors over the last twelve years is noticed again by Wall Street resulting in significant taxpayer savings. Standard & Poor’s announced it is increasing Connecticut’s general obligation bond credit rating from A+ to AA-. by senatorduff
Like Cheat Steal Kill Win
The model of those who oppress by taking advantage of the human condition.
FloodMoose t1_ixwfr30 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The work we’ve done in the legislature with two governors over the last twelve years is noticed again by Wall Street resulting in significant taxpayer savings. Standard & Poor’s announced it is increasing Connecticut’s general obligation bond credit rating from A+ to AA-. by senatorduff
You know it's 2022 right? Corporations are legal people who are better than you and are allowed and encouraged to lcskw... It's easy to scapegoat. The underlying issue is corporate greed. Billionaires.
FloodMoose t1_ixed2en wrote
Reply to comment by wanderingMoose in Local wool yarn from Connecticut? by Platycerium02
7 paca more
FloodMoose t1_iv2bmvb wrote
Reply to Ukraine suffered a comms outage when 1,300 SpaceX satellite units went offline over funding issues by thatoneguy889
Sounds like someone needs a little guidance from St. Javelin...
FloodMoose t1_iuimiyu wrote
Reply to comment by chrisdh79 in Scientists Find Potentially Hazardous Asteroid Hiding in the Sun’s Glare | At nearly 1.5 kilometers wide, it's the largest such asteroid discovered in eight years. by chrisdh79
>To be perfectly clear: The asteroid is not currently barreling toward Earth. but its path could bring it close enough one day that NASA will want to keep tabs on it.
That's what most people need to see.
FloodMoose t1_iu8is30 wrote
Reply to comment by BallardRex in University of Chicago scientists discover material that can be made like a plastic but conducts like metal by VeterinarianProper42
Correct I was being facetious. It would require more money than the specific example I gave.
FloodMoose t1_jeg1w7p wrote
Reply to comment by snufflesthefurball in Vatican: Pope to leave hospital on Saturday, eats pizza by MerryGoWrong
Not bad!