
GiovanniResta t1_ja85ikg wrote

This is good, but personally I could never put in the same sandwich the delicate and costly Parma ham together with salami or other strongly flavored ingredients.

I rather eat it alone in a warm slightly toasted and buttered baguette.

Then I would make myself another sandwich with the other ingredients, except tomato.


GiovanniResta t1_j8hps85 wrote


I'm not an expert, but from reference (4) in the article you cited, it appears that Hydroxychloroquine "is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro". So it was appropriate for this "in vitro" study.

Unfortunately effective "in vitro" does not always translate in effective "in vivo".


GiovanniResta t1_itlpp5q wrote

In Italy we are not used to have the pizza cut for us (clearly one may ask).

I would be rather disappointed if I was served a pre-cut pizza in a restaurant, because I prefer to cut my pizza in a specific number of slices which also depend on the stiffness of pizza base and weight of the topping.


GiovanniResta t1_itlotuy wrote

First of all, in Italy usually they do not cut the pizza for you at the restaurant, unless you ask for it, so you are given a fork and a knive and you are free to cut the pizza as you like it.

Second, here nobody cares how other people eat pizza.

Moreover, pizzas can be very soft in the middle so if the topping is heavy and you try to lift a whole slice the topping can fall making a mess. So a common or at least possible strategy is to eat the pointy part of a slice with fork and knife, then finish using your hands (if you are so inclined).

In general, probably because there is not a developed "dipping culture" (commonal bowls of sauces or melted cheese where people dip things like in US) we are less inclined to make our hands greasy if not really necessary.