
Humble_Increase7503 t1_je62cxj wrote

Think it’s gonna float around these levels for awhile

Amazon hasn’t really popped with the rest of mega cap tech in the past month or so.

And, I think, it’s going to be 1-2 quarters until amazons cost cutting is going to show itself in margins and earnings, which is what I believe investors are waiting for


Humble_Increase7503 t1_ja1xyjn wrote

They’re growing at an obscene rate. You can’t just disregard that and then talk about how they’re wasting money on ads and not making money.

I mean, you can, but it begs the question of why you’re in a non profitable growth stock in a high rate environment

And rising rates put them into bankruptcy!?

They have a banking charter, they take advantage of that rising rate environment as well.

And they’re not that far away from being profitable. -40m net income q4 2022, ~-.05 eps. I mean, given their growth, that seems a bit extreme.

Particularly with the CEO buying $7m worth of shares in 1 week in December. Shit he’s been buying a fuck ton of shares tbh. Like tens of millions of dollars worth for months now. Seems strange behavior for a company in the fast lane for bankruptcy.

while stock based comp is to be expected, it remains an irritation. ~$70m in SBC last quarter alone is crazy. That being said, it’s been trending down the past 2 quarters, hopefully that continues.


Humble_Increase7503 t1_j6nbcob wrote

“Putin only has 2 options now, nuke or negotiate”

I mean… Based upon what?

This war can and probably will drag on for quite awhile.

I could just as easily say:

Oil is going to $150. Here’s why, game theory says Putin cannot lose because he will be murdered by his own intelligence agencies, ergo, the war cannot end and were fucked.