
Ijustlookedthatup t1_jden94i wrote

You’re a troll and no one cares, sadly for you I’m not one of those fucks that has to prove myself to an internet stranger. If you don’t know by how I wrote that I know what’s up then you’re not important enough for me to share my numbers, then you’ll have my name and based on the nature of how you deny obvious information leads me to believe you aren’t sound of in the head. Which is another reason not to dox myself. Have a great day non medic from a fake medic!!


Ijustlookedthatup t1_jdel7m2 wrote

I can see how what I said could be seen that way but that is absolutely not at all what I mean. If someone went out and created trouble for those riding the ATVs I would say they should be charge for assault with a deadly weapon. I merely say that anyone who get aggressed by these groups should have the right to defend themselves.


Ijustlookedthatup t1_jddlgkm wrote

Nope it was the point that why if I wanted to kill people would I not join the military or police? Kinda odd place for someone to work if they wanna kill. Also my point was about self defense of your life. Not really what I would consider being a bad person.

I love how everyone immediately goes to call me a psycho because I believe a woman who is dragged from her car and beaten has the right to self defense.


Ijustlookedthatup t1_jddl7yx wrote

I specifically brought up the recent case of a woman and then a man being dragged out from the car and beaten. Is this something you Consider vigilantism to stop the person or persons attacking you? I didn’t speak of vigilantism, that was brought up by you. I believe in adequate self-defense.


Ijustlookedthatup t1_jdci02a wrote

Actually as a Paramedic, I devoted my life to helping people, and I have. So good try on the wanting to kill people part. Have you ever walked into a murder scene where the person couldn’t defend themselves?

Is it possible that I just see a different solution to a problem? I am all for stopping These events peacefully, however, when Police don’t act for the good of the people, it is up to the people to defend themselves. Also, for a different view, please go and check out r/liberalgunowners for a Liberal view of the second amendment.


Ijustlookedthatup t1_jdcgc20 wrote

This why the second amendment exists. When government does not act it is up to the individual and community to protect themselves. A woman and with her kids were pulled and beaten and it’s not the first time. I know many don’t agree with me here, but how long is it going to be until somebody gets stabbed or killed because of the in action of the police department.

And no, I am not saying pull out a gun and the smallest, but someone feels their life is threatened, and they’re about to be pulled out of the car. They should be able to shoot. The individual was trying to drag them out. We have a right, and we have a right to defend ourselves.


Ijustlookedthatup t1_ja3cpd6 wrote

Being as I build homes for a living now, I’m familiar with the process. And funny enough YES! They in fact do!!

Here’s how it works!

Person A has money to build a single family or multi-family structure. The construction firm isn’t going to finance it themselves, they wait usually for someone to approach with a project after securing financing. Then the firm builds it! Isn’t it exciting to learn!! After the build is complete the landlord/owner either rents or lives in the property themselves, although likely with multi-unit structures it goes straight to rental. Hence the landlords are in fact the ones that build homes!! Wasn’t that fun?! I sure had fun :)