
IloveSeaFoood t1_j9foimq wrote

Ok and if the average person is too lazy to throw away their garbage at one of the receptacles on every corner, or too lazy to hold it until they get off the train, why would they give a shit if there’s a receptacle for electronic recycling outside of their home

The people who recycle anyway WILL take a short walk or bus ride to dispose of electronics properly. The ones who litter indiscriminately probably don’t even know you’re supposed to dispose of electronics a certain way, and definitely won’t start if a receptacle is outside their home.

Believe it or not, sometimes the issue doesn’t get solved by spending millions of taxpayer dollars for no reason


IloveSeaFoood t1_j9bqqcm wrote

No, the answer is that this is such an insignificant problem that it really doesn’t warrant the time and energy spent on trying to improve something that really doesn’t need to be improved

Electronic recycling and student loan forgiveness are completely different orders of magnitude


IloveSeaFoood t1_j9bn2t0 wrote

It blows my mind that there are “New Yorkers” who are beside themselves for having to walk

To me, and probably the majority of New Yorkers who’ve had to walk many miles to do many different chores/leisure activities, a 30 min walk or 15 min bus ride is extremely reasonable for recycling electronics

The two of you strike me as people who actually enjoyed the lockdown so you didn’t have to leave your apartments. That’s really depressing


IloveSeaFoood t1_j95w6a0 wrote

Reddit is filled with a bunch of single 20 year olds with no kids. I’m one of them

However, I come from a family of immigrants so I understand what it’s like being around children, unlike the WASPs on this sub who just moved here from Ohio and don’t have a strong familial unit

So yeah I’d just talk to your neighbors and try to limit the time in the hallways. Half the comments here are super passive aggressive, I don’t think that you let your kids run roughshod in the halls like many here are accusing you. Because as you said, kids do get loud at in opportune moments and it’s hard to control that at times.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j919na7 wrote

Pfft living alone is a blessing I cherish every single day. The only downside is the nights I come home really drunk and have to puke in my toilet all alone, then nurse my hangover the next day all alone

Same thing for when I get sick too. Other than that, being single and living alone is a blessing I’m thankful for every single day


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76j0m3 wrote

Lol yeah breaking news everyone, adopted babies don’t scream

I never once complained about dogs, I think it’s possible to support both without putting another one down. And I’m actually from New York, so no I don’t think I’ll leave. I inherited a sweet rent stabilized apartment from a family member, my rent is 1100 for a studio in Manhattan. So yeah I’m gonna stick around for a long time


IloveSeaFoood t1_j76inzd wrote

The point is babies scream, and we were all babies at one point

Reproduction is natural and a key aspect of keeping society alive. If you’re so against something that’s the fabric of society and humanity maybe you should go to Antarctica