
InsuranceToTheRescue t1_ixhloi9 wrote

I believe it also depended on the time and place. Like, Wyoming almost passed on becoming a state because Congress was against them having universal suffrage in their state constitution; they put it in anyways. New Jersey had women's suffrage based on the same criteria as men, needing to own X amount in cash or property, but that was taken away in 1807.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_ixd4u7k wrote

I will never have the money for it, but it's been on my bucket list to have dinner at a 3 starred restaurant. Closest I've got is going to a Ruth's Chris Steak House. Sure it's on the fancier side, but it's still a chain.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_iuik5ob wrote

Cooling. They don't sweat or pant so the large, thin ears provide enough surface area to cool the blood as it circulates through.

On a similar note, that's also why many male mammals have testicles. Normal body temp is too hot for sperm.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_iu5aiqx wrote

Similarly, I've got a friend in the USAF that gets deployed to Japan and England occasionally. When driving, the levers on the steering column are switched. So a bunch of Americans that aren't used to it will often flip the wipers on when they're trying to signal a turn. I think locals call it the Western Wave or American Wave or something.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_itvsaob wrote

To add to this, we will see sea level rise over the next century that will force the majority of the globe's population to go somewhere else or invest in expensive infrastructure projects like massive sea walls. The mass migrations will strain, and in some places break, food supply chains. There is likely going to be massive social upheaval to accompany all of this.

On one somewhat bright note, we have likely avoided a hothouse Earth, where a feedback loop begins and the planet becomes too warm to support human life. This also assumes that our estimates for methane in polar regions is somewhat accurate.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_is7bc85 wrote

>The dude took the stolen photos and used it to blackmail the women to provide him more sexual photos.

That part I didn't get to. I guess I had in my head a different comment about a peeping tom-esque anecdote of a guy trying to snap up-skirt photos or something.

Yeah, no. Definitely about control, then.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_irfwxwg wrote

For all the dipshits that are gonna be like, "We're 'Murica and we're different than those other commie, metric countries! Besides, it's not like using different systems causes any problems."

It almost caused a drug overdose. It caused us to almost lose a satellite. It caused us to crater a Mars orbiter into the planet. It caused an airplane to run out of fuel mid flight. Finally, it caused a roller coaster to derail.

Folks currently alive will probably never be able to fully grasp metric. We'll likely never hear that something is 20km away and just have an intuitive estimate of how far away that is like we would if we were told it was 12mi. The same would probably be true of weights, and volumes, and other measurements.

But our kids and grandkids would know. And we would finally be able to work internationally without the confusion. Confusion that will someday cost lives instead of cash and the heartbreak of which will force us to change.