
JBizznass t1_j8nnooj wrote

For us it wasn’t a matter of health, it was a matter of space. We now both work from home which meant that our 900 sq ft row home wasn’t big enough to accommodate our life. We also wanted more outdoor space and a parking spot since my work requires me to drive and come home much later than normal rush hour and there was no place for me to park at those times. Not to mention when working from home in the burbs my partner could avoid all wage taxes and I could avoid some BIRT and NPT taxes. So it’s basically a wash cost of living wise for a bigger place.

Also during the pandemic nothing that makes cities fun and enjoyable we’re still there. Concerts, bars, museums, etc. I know personally I realized that access to these things were not as important to our lives as pre pandemic I would have thought they were.

In general people’s lives and priorities shifted in many fundamental ways that are not shifting back any time soon.

Edit: wanted to add that if you want there are lots of opportunities to walk around in many suburban areas. Do I walk to the grocery store? No. Did I do that when I lived in Fishtown? Also no. Do I know just take regular pleasure walks by myself? Yes. Did I do that in Fishtown? No. So it really depends again on your lifestyle and priorities.


JBizznass t1_j8nmg5i wrote

I’ll add my personal anecdote here: I lived in Fishtown and worked downtown. Moved to the western burbs during covid and mostly work from home, but go to various parts of the city for work about 3 times a week. But I don’t really shop or eat in the city anymore since it’s more expensive (various taxes) and less convenient form me. I do however go to the suburban outposts of many of the places I used to go in the city like la Colombe, white dog, etc. If they didn’t exist in the burbs I would just be a lost customer since it it wouldn’t be worth it go into the city for them since there are other great local options. And I know lots of other folks who once were city dwellers / workers who now work from in the burbs and feel the same. It’s smart of these companies to follow their customers.

I will say that one of the big motivators for us moving to the burbs was the overall declining quality of life in the city (including, but not limited to crime), but that’s not why I wouldn’t go to a store or restaurant in the city. Now that I’m here it’s a matter of convenience. Especially since I’m the mainline area there are lots of great shopping and dining options closer to home.

Are there some whackos who won’t cross the city line for fear of being immediately murdered? Sure. But that is really a very small part of the suburban population and most of us suburbanites also think those people are crazy.


JBizznass t1_j643vhu wrote

Our water cost went significantly down when we moved from PGW to Aqua for the same usage. So maybe you are just using a lot of water. Perhaps you should evaluate your water usage. Maybe get more water efficient appliances. Showers not baths. Have a professional check for leaks. Etc.

Edit: confirmed with my partner - the city was $90+ a month and Aqua is less than $70 a month


JBizznass t1_j60w93r wrote

CBA’s are essentially community groups blackmailing developers and business owners for bribes so that the developers / owners can accomplish things that are actually good for communities, like developing blighted buildings. They are also stupid because they often lack real enforcement mechanism anyway so they come down to everyone slapping each other in the back and saying how awesome they are for getting or giving XYZ. Dumb.


JBizznass t1_j5tj8d3 wrote

Is anyone actually surprised that these funds are being mismanaged? Anyone at all? We all saw this coming right? It’s funny, but not at all since that money could have been spent in ways that would actually help the community instead of lining the pockets political cronies and other ineffectual organizations.


JBizznass t1_j5ld4v1 wrote

The guy who runs the community group (7th st community council) in that area, Bruce Baldwin, is a corrupt racist asshat who fights any sort of development or improvements in the area unless the proper bribes are paid and the applicants are of the right race (not Hispanic or Asian) It’s the worst RCO I’ve ever had the misfortune of working with because of him. He is doing real harm to that area that could easily become a thriving community with a bit of investment and some real policing and code enforcement.


JBizznass t1_j5lcvqh wrote

The guy who runs the community group for that area won’t let people improve properties without first bribing him and also being the right race. He is openly anti Asian and makes it clear that are not welcome in his neighborhood. Bruce Baldwin is probably in my top 5 most hated people in Philly for being a corrupt racist.


JBizznass t1_j5lci9q wrote

The guy who runs the community group (7th st community council) in that area, Bruce Baldwin, is a corrupt asshat who fights any sort of development or improvements in the area unless the proper bribes are paid. It’s the worst RCO I’ve ever had the misfortune of working with because of him. He is doing real harm to that area that could easily become a thriving community with a bit of investment and some real policing and code enforcement.


JBizznass t1_j5k7yyb wrote

I had a lady jump out of her car and throw her coffee at my windshield for not jumping a light and mowing over pedestrians at Berks and Frankford a few years ago. I’m not sure how that saved her any time in the long run and she also wasted her iced coffee. What is wrong with people.


JBizznass t1_j4qlzlb wrote

I was broke as shit when going to night school at Temple back in the day so couldn’t pay for a lot. I would often park by the PHA housing near campus. The residents used to scream at me about taking “their space” while their peeps pulled up in nice cars and clothes. Meanwhile I’m working 60 hrs a week, going to school, paying all my bills with no help since I didn’t qualify for shit since I didn’t recklessly procreate, and get rewarded by getting screamed at by these entitled jerkwads. Really pissed me off.