JoshuaACNewman t1_je7ex0j wrote
With the exception of clothes, which are all handmade, humans in industrial situations do much dumber things than the craftspeople that were replaced by robots. Humans are used for having hands, rather than practicing a craft.
The issue here is *whose interests does the AI serve?” If it’s to serve the interests of now-automatable economic forces, humans are seen as expensive and inefficient.
Here’s a story about it.
JoshuaACNewman t1_jdtq9wj wrote
Reply to [homemade] pho by noomerz
JoshuaACNewman t1_jd8l9l0 wrote
Reply to comment by BeepBlipBlapBloop in Trying to understand the scale of the visible universe. by 00Askingquestions00
That makes Earth somewhere around the size of the ball of a ballpoint pen.
JoshuaACNewman t1_jbyeso0 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ChatGPT or similar AI as a confidant for teenagers by demauroy
I don’t understand your comment.
I’m not autistic. Are you saying that therapists should not have some remove from their patients?
JoshuaACNewman t1_jbye0t1 wrote
Reply to comment by demauroy in ChatGPT or similar AI as a confidant for teenagers by demauroy
If most of the time it’s advice that’s at least as good as therapeutic advice, and then it recommends self-harm because it’s what people do, it’s obviously not good for therapeutic purposes.
It’s not that even therapists don’t fuck up. It’s that AI doesn’t have any of the social structure we have. It can’t empathize because it has neither feelings nor experience, which means any personality you perceive is one you’re constructing in your mind.
We have ways and reasons to trust each other that AI can activate, but the signals are false.
JoshuaACNewman t1_jby0lu4 wrote
Yes and no. Eliza did a great job, too, just by repeating things back.
The problem with ChatGPT is that it knows a lot but doesn’t understand things. It’s effectively a very confident mansplainer. It doesn’t know what advice is good or bad — it just knows what people say is good or bad. It hasn’t studied anything in depth; or, more accurately, it doesn’t have the judgment to know what to study with remove and what to believe because it only knows what people say.
I say this because, just like autocomplete was suggesting to Corey Doctorow the other day that he ask his babysitter “Do you have time to come sit [on my face]?” It doesn’t know what’s appropriate for a situation. It only knows what people think is appropriate for a situation. It’s appropriate to ask someone to sit on your face when that’s your relationship. It’s not appropriate to ask the babysitter. “Sit” means practically opposite things here that are similar in almost every way except a couple critical ones.
JoshuaACNewman t1_jbesrmy wrote
Reply to comment by cimson-otter in Lawmakers want more representation in Healey's cabinet by HRJafael
As someone from trashy Rhode Island, I gotta say that’s some pretty beautiful trash there in Buzzard’s Bay.
JoshuaACNewman t1_jb8luk4 wrote
Reply to comment by AnglerJared in TIL that Chinese is written without spaces between successive characters and words. by Neither_Parking3581
English and other alphabets derived from the Roman alphabet used to be like this, too. Spaces and punctuation and mixed case are all pretty recent.
JoshuaACNewman t1_jawy1ad wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Lawmakers want more representation in Healey's cabinet by HRJafael
Wait, you think Western Massachusetts is a protected class, AND you think it doesn’t deserve representation in the governor’s cabinet?
JoshuaACNewman t1_j7geu6q wrote
Reply to comment by TbonerT in Sound Waves Trigger Anti-Cancer Immune Responses in Mice by dissolutewastrel
No, drinking mercury makes you immortal and your personality is determined by the color of your bodily fluids.
And saying Ohm causes mechanical stresses in cancer at their resonant frequency.
JoshuaACNewman t1_j78266c wrote
Reply to comment by hellfae in A new study suggests that too much screen time during infancy may lead to changes in brain activity, as well as problems with executive functioning — the ability to stay focused and control impulses, behaviors, and emotions — in elementary school. by Wagamaga
What momentary increases there have been in violence among the general constant downtrend of violence as Boomers age out is directly attributable to gun access.
JoshuaACNewman t1_j7820sb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in A new study suggests that too much screen time during infancy may lead to changes in brain activity, as well as problems with executive functioning — the ability to stay focused and control impulses, behaviors, and emotions — in elementary school. by Wagamaga
My friend, that is the direct (and knock-on) result of Bush’s No Child Left Behind program for defunding schools and its prioritization of education metrics over education.
JoshuaACNewman t1_j781rcj wrote
Reply to comment by Independent-Soil5265 in A new study suggests that too much screen time during infancy may lead to changes in brain activity, as well as problems with executive functioning — the ability to stay focused and control impulses, behaviors, and emotions — in elementary school. by Wagamaga
But very few* of the people reading r/science are infants.
*Confidence interval: 95%
JoshuaACNewman t1_j5zln7e wrote
Reply to comment by paganlobster in Cape Cod bridges, old and obsolete, frustrate locals and tourists. And there’s no good solution in sight. by HRJafael
Not usually. The bike path is great (and getting better). And even if that weren’t the case, public transport that came every few minutes would cost less and remove almost every car from the roads. It’s mind-blowing how inefficient cars are.
JoshuaACNewman t1_j5vl5fy wrote
Reply to Cape Cod bridges, old and obsolete, frustrate locals and tourists. And there’s no good solution in sight. by HRJafael
Really, the problem is the volume of cars.
There are still rails on much of the Cape. Let’s gets them working again.
JoshuaACNewman t1_j51014s wrote
Reply to comment by RiverRATT65 in Why The Lights At A MA School Have Been On For Over A Year: Report by cailinloesch
…who? Who benefits from this?
JoshuaACNewman t1_j44f5so wrote
Reply to comment by lucifvr in Is this a good cop? (AMSTRAD CPC/464 8-Bit Computer) by lucifvr
I don’t, but capacitors almost always have their values written on them.
JoshuaACNewman t1_j44dldr wrote
Radical to the max.
JoshuaACNewman t1_j2nroyf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in A Stop Motion animation. Created and animated by hand. by TrentShyClaymations
Subscribed, ya dingus!
JoshuaACNewman t1_j2nlzg2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in A Stop Motion animation. Created and animated by hand. by TrentShyClaymations
Oh, lookit that!
OP, link us to your work, ya dingus!
JoshuaACNewman t1_j2nlnhr wrote
By whom?
JoshuaACNewman t1_izyhdyx wrote
Reply to comment by PolkaD0tMom in Do NOT seek healthcare through by justsomegraphemes
This should be the top post!
JoshuaACNewman t1_iz81o6k wrote
Reply to comment by Aggressive-Ad7843 in [OC] References to Meat in the Movies over the Decades by Aggressive-Ad7843
Fun, but the line graph implies that it’s continuous data. If you did it for each year you could do it as a high res histogram.
JoshuaACNewman t1_iz0vz21 wrote
Reply to comment by EconomySeaweed7693 in Looking at a ancestry percentage of MA, 1 percent of the state is listed as "Arab" but can anyone expand on it? by EconomySeaweed7693
Racism is stupid and has to twist ideas into big dumb knots to make sure that white people remain on top.
JoshuaACNewman t1_jebsesk wrote
Reply to TIL children were most prone to lead poisoning because lead chips and toys with lead dust tasted "sweet". by WhatA_Nerd
You might know me from previous safety films such as Lead: Delicious, but deadly!