
LiddyDolesHole t1_j1v7l33 wrote

Basically on winter break thanks to a bunch of PTO, which I have no issue taking since there's really not much to do for me at work anyway this week. Drove back from NOVA this morning and got home in 1:20. Took bike to the shop for a tuneup since it looks like we'll have some decent riding weather at the end of the week. Just cleaned the kitchen. Will clean another room and clean two more tomorrow. Pacing is key. Then college football and drinks. Not a bad Tuesday.


LiddyDolesHole t1_itz5jla wrote

Just hoping I turn the corner with this non-COVID chest crud today so I can actually enjoy my weekend. First time I've been legit sick since early 2020. Looking forward to the Kickers' playoff game on Saturday.