
Lost_Sasquatch t1_j1jvm2w wrote

>Would it regional autonomy you advocate for allow a particular region to ban gay marriage? Reinstate Jim Crow?

Nobody anywhere should be able to deprive people of their liberties, but we already have that going on right now so I'm not sure what your point is. Institutional discrimination is widespread already.

> That is correct. The solution is to give each person an equal say in all levels of politics. One person one vote, regardless of who you are or where you live.

You're stuck on my electoral college comparison, my point is that people living 200 miles from me, with a different culture, wants, and needs should not have the level of influence over my life that they currently do. Spreading the blame doesn't make totalitarianism less repugnant.

> But let's not pretend that MSNBC has the same effect on the left that Fox News has on the right.

That's just a matter of ratings, not content. Conservatives watch more Fox News than leftists watch the entirety of all left wing mainstream media combined.

> And either way if they're both propaganda machines, then bring back the fairness doctrine with solve the issue anyway. Would you support that?

I'm not a fan of censorship. If power was less concentrated at the top they wouldn't be able to whip the mob into a frenzy like they do. Very few issues would be relevant to the entire nation and there would be much less incentive and demand for 24/7 rage porn on mainstream media to influence high profile political issues/campaigns.


Lost_Sasquatch t1_j1jiu1i wrote

> You replied

Notice how I ignored your bad faith argument? That's what I meant by "an actual reply".

> my comments are upvoted

A lot of seals clapping a valid point does not make.

> You still haven't said if you've been to Idaho.

Several times, yes.


Lost_Sasquatch t1_j1jib8c wrote

> But why should the status of "living in a rural area" allow one to get more votes, at any level?

I never actually advocated for this. I just pointed out that it's clearly something that was thought about on some levels and not others.

The point is that systems should be set up in a manner where nobody is disenfranchised. People should have a say in the rules being applied to them.

Personally, I think the solution is reducing the scope of federal and state power in favor of regional autonomy.

> as currently falsehoods spoken in conservative media fuel the culture divide more than anything

Lmao, it's not just conservative media man. They are all propaganda machines, right and left.


Lost_Sasquatch t1_j1j1qqk wrote


Check out this article by one of the billionaires doing it, Nick Hanauer. It's basically an open letter to other 0.1%ers saying "We need to disarm the peasants to they can't rise up against us."

Ironically, the left leaning population that claim to hate billionaires are the tool he's using to disarm the public.


Lost_Sasquatch t1_j1j183n wrote

I pointed out that they have very little autonomy, at no point did I say they should be tyrants with total power.

I know this is the internet, but c'mon man, argue in better faith if you want an actual reply. You're not scoring any points like that.


Lost_Sasquatch t1_j1izkfp wrote

This is the last 10 years of gun control legislation in the state.

We have state preemption, which means it's all or nothing, the entire state has to have the same gun laws.

WA has had a system of ballot initiatives since 1912, where you can bypass the state legislature by gathering enough signatures to get the initiative on the ballot. If it passes it becomes law.

So Seattle billionaires have been bankrolling initiative campaigns in King county (paying signature gatherers, media campaigns, paying for transportation to polling stations, etc.)


Lost_Sasquatch t1_j1iop7z wrote

It is kinda nutty that we have the electoral college to account for this at scale, but at the state level we're just like "yeah, it's fine if 5-10% of the landmass decides everything for the rest of it".

Regardless of your political stance, I think we can all agree that it's an issue of representation that drives the cultural divide further.

Edit: This downvote ratio is literally proving my point, we need systems in place to curb this kind of "oppression is fine when my team has the votes" bullshit. It's clear that a majority of people in WA do not want representative governance, they want their own preferred brand of tyranny.
