
MJBrune t1_j57hfjj wrote

it's because SSNs were simply supposed to be ID tax numbers that you could give to anyone. Someone knowing your tax number wasn't meant to confirm your identity. It was just supposed to track how much you put into Social Security. The IRS tried to prevent people from using it as an ID security measure but eventually just gave up.

It's like how business EIN operates. It's literally just a number to track the taxes that the business is responsible for. In some cases it even replaces the business owner's SSN on some forms.


MJBrune t1_j57giij wrote

The government already knows your name (you legally have to provide one at birth.) They also know your address because you provide one if you own the house, if you don't there are numerous systems that require you to provide a mailing address, and Washington state IDs require one. They also already know your phone number if it's a landline or can get it from the mobile company at the drop of a hat if it's a cell phone.

So really of the things you mentioned. The phone number is maybe the only thing that the government doesn't have direct access to. Maybe they don't have your address if you've avoided filling out government forms like taxes but likely you are just breaking the law at that point.


MJBrune t1_j4tsnvf wrote

Average human size really is what it comes down to. Only so many mgs got in your blood. Only so many receptors for those chemicals. That said the range you have is far under what I typically see for ibuprofen or Tylenol. Which is in the 400 to 600 range. So you might have some observational bias in there too.


MJBrune t1_j3nv97o wrote

While they've recovered you can also see the spots where they've started taking from in the 2020 versions. The upper left of the Cascades pictures shows a good contrast of that. East of the Cascades also turns to dirt more quickly than 84.


MJBrune t1_ivr7soa wrote

I love linux but boy is it a pain to do most things on. I've worked on Linux desktops and Linux servers for 10+ years. I still end up with issues like "oh you updated your kernel but your graphics drivers didn't automatically resetup, time to restart into the command line and now you get to figure out how to configure nvidia drivers from cli. ENJOY! Hope you didn't want to actually start working!"

The alternative to that seems to be "great you use a distro that updates packages ever decade. Here is this new app you gotta use for work to get the thing you want to do done but it requires libbullshit 2.0.1 but you have libbullshit 1.0.-1 installed. Enjoy figuring out a workaround! Typically I then just extract it to ~/bin and manually compile everything then put ~/bin in my path but really it takes 10 times more time to install something on linux than windows where it's click -> click -> click -> launch -> working.

I'm really waiting for someone to take linux and offer a better workflow for installing things. The windows ecosystem got it right when it just included most libraries next to the executable in order as a fallback.