
MarieSkiis t1_je2hvk6 wrote

I haven’t downvoted anyone but it’s like How To Tell Me You Don’t Know How To Use The Reddit Search Box (without telling me that you don’t know how to use the Reddit search box)? It’s not as though the question hasn’t been answered so many times before.


MarieSkiis t1_je2h9qj wrote

My guess would be the exhaust fans from the Holland Tunnel are kicking in at that hour? If you walk around the neighborhood you’ll easily spot at least 3 unmarked structures that pump out exhaust fumes from the tunnel. But what do I know?


MarieSkiis t1_je0wz99 wrote

“I don’t want any attention but what I really want is attention so please respect my right to privacy and contact my PR agent if you really want my exclusive side of the story.” Sincerely Yours, Meghan Markle


MarieSkiis t1_jdt9mal wrote

That's odd because it says they service only 3 zip codes in downtown Jersey City. It's impossible to hire now - everywhere I go I see giant HELP WANTED signs and I try to be more patient in restaurants because it seems like no one wants to work anymore. I remember in NYC when people were complaining about dishwashers earning $15/hr but hey, we all have to live and pay inflated prices for rent and groceries so everyone's demanding $ per hour more I guess. Picked up my income taxes and the CPA was telling me that all of his McDonald's franchise owners were selling now because employees were demanding higher pay and corporate won't raise menu prices fast enough to cover. We're in a weird place with the economy right now.


MarieSkiis t1_jdt1g9c wrote

Best bet’s gonna be to gonna be to ask in your building chat board/concierge for a referral. Next best bet is to gonna be to to find a person to come to your home. During a national hiring crisis the companies are not going to pay the cleaners & drivers to drive 15 minutes to your home (for drop off), 15 minutes back to their office and then 15 minutes your home (for pick up) and another 15 mins back to their office again. It costs way too much. We’re competing against all those people in downtown who live in all those apartment buildings where the company’s not paying for any transportation because the team’s are going from apartment to apartment to apartment in the same building.


MarieSkiis t1_j9rcha9 wrote

There are approx 2 murders/year in downtown JC: usually landlord / tenant disputes of lover’s quarrels gone wrong. If we get them both over in January we can all sit back and relax for the rest of the year. It’s as safe as can be - though just remember that you’re in a city. All will be good.


MarieSkiis t1_j6bmwzh wrote

Reply to comment by PrincipleOfMoments in Port Liberte by sunnysmileyleo

It’s for one of the larger townhomes there. I didn’t personally review this person’s claim but based on another assessment for a property that I own, I can completely understand this number for plumbing replacement of the property. The figure that I heard for phase 1 of plumbing was $5m. Again, I don’t own there or attend the board meetings but I have no reason to doubt the validity of this info.