
MikeD123999 t1_jaanwu7 wrote

I dont know if i trust the system. If the lawyers control the people on the jury, isnt that fixing the results. It should just be random people. They should have to explain why you are disqualified to make sure they arent doing any funny stuff.


MikeD123999 t1_j9r8ai3 wrote

New cars are more efficient. As cars age they wear and become less efficient. Some cars as they get older leak fluids like oil and radiator fluid etc that contaminate the ground and although some people probably maintain their vehicles, i would suspect most people wouldn’t notice. Its also probably a good idea to steer people to newer cars for economic reasons too. So basically, older cars are more damaging to the road and environment which is why they should pay higher excise tax too

And lets get rid of manual transmission too


MikeD123999 t1_j2cvo92 wrote

Hmart can be really hard to park if you go on saturday or sunday afternoon. There is an hmart in cambridge too but i think the one in burlington is much bigger from what i hear


MikeD123999 t1_iup54wc wrote

There should be a recycling store. Bring them any item to recycle and they will take it for a fee. Its too hard to recycle things now since each place takes only certain items. If there was one place i could go to then i probably wouldnt mind a fee I also thought there should be a mass saves store, they could sell energy efficiency items and maybe also preach about upgrading heating equipment and doing house insulation


MikeD123999 t1_iua5fw7 wrote

I forget where i was… maybe milford…. But i got out and started pumping gas when the attedent came over and told me had to do it. People must get confused which towns do this cuz he didnt seem mad