
MockieAhCork OP t1_jaewtvr wrote

I guess any school anywhere would be like that? It’s a new experience. My daughter is especially looking forward to no uniforms. And you think American high schools are like prisons? My kids have had over 10 years of Irish-Catholic education. Talk about imprisoning! And these are public, not private, schools they go to.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jaed86t wrote

A must for the Irishman. It is in their blood to scout out the Irish pub no matter where in the world they are. Got into a massive fight with my ex-husband in Portugal because instead of going out and exploring he wanted to spend all day in the Irish pub watching Irish sports. So, sounds like we’ll be checking this place out!


MockieAhCork OP t1_jad6jue wrote

Ireland has been my home for the past 18 years, but I am an American and America is home. My parents getting older and wanting to spend as much time with them is a driving factor. Plus, Ireland is a difficult country to get older in; everything takes so much effort! I want an easier life. Ireland is an expensive country, and the salaries don’t match the cost of living so there is very little money left over at the end of the month. And I miss baseball. And summer weather. And my kids (teenagers) want to experience American high school. So many more reasons. I’ll always have one foot in Ireland, but I am definitely ready for a move back.


MockieAhCork OP t1_jad3vta wrote

That’s important for my partner (Cork GAA, Liverpool) and son (Arsenal). Worcester is at the top of my wish list, mostly because that’s where I’ve lived albeit a long time ago (Paxton/Oakham) and my brother lives in Chelmsford so would be nice to be close to family. Plus, promised ex-husband easy access - Boston to Dublin flights - for the kids’ sakes. But, it all depends on housing and a job -where I can find them!


MockieAhCork OP t1_jaczn0f wrote

Somewhat? I’m not into craft beer myself. I like Bud/Bud Light - basically a light lager. Trying to see what the prices are like (I’m coming from paying over €5 for a pint of Bud - about $5.50) and more interested in places that have regular draft beer than specialising in Craft beer. And trying to get a feel for what to expect price-wise while finding places good for us middle-aged kids.