
pdillon69 t1_jbkb1qy wrote

It’s gotten a lot better. 20 years ago I’d steer clear but Worcester as a whole, is becoming much safer. There further away from Kelly square the better I’d say.


pdillon69 t1_j2e608m wrote

If she’s athletic and into more physical stuff you go to central rock? Otherwise, movie theatre is a classic, bowling/axe throwing places, of course food nothing too fancy. Good luck 👍🏻, I’d love to be 16 again lol


pdillon69 t1_ixsmgnp wrote

I posted an ad for my duplex one bedroom for rent and got torn up too. Rents have not just gone up in the past ten years, the past two years they’ve almost doubled. Sorry guys! 850 a room in a nice place isn’t really that bad.