
Mountain_Monitor_262 t1_jegaqte wrote

So you could care less that you ruined and cheated on your marriage and only care about ruining your friendship. Your first thought should have been how to save your marriage. You shouldn’t be married. You two deserve each other and quit deceiving your SO’s. If you’re keeping your best friend / fuck buddy then lose the wife.


Mountain_Monitor_262 t1_j2et7qn wrote

Of course his dad has his own fictional scenario in his head. The dad hears the words and it goes out the other ear. That’s why he needs to put it in writing even though his dad denies it. It’s a reminder of what an AH he is. Sending a direct message was the kind, reasonable method. OP could post a letter to his dad on SM with all this instead.


Mountain_Monitor_262 t1_j2cyuak wrote

You probably haven’t been direct enough with him. Send him a lengthy text of everything he did wrong, things he sucks at, and that you don’t care for him being in your life. Put everything that annoys him in that message. He has the nerve to call you immature. He handled his mid life crisis by leaving his family for a 20 something year old girl and abused you to impress his new toy (her). Sounds like your dad doesn’t understand mature so you would need to explain things at his level.


Mountain_Monitor_262 t1_j2apl6k wrote

Why would you want to waste time being a placeholder for someone who will jump at the chance to hook up with another young coworker that shows interest in him. How could you trust that he won’t fuck his female friends when he hangs out with them? He did it while you were out of town. Glad he told you because you would’ve never known. But he still sees and interacts with the girl regardless. All you would be doing is accepting him cheating on you and waiting for the next time that he does it. You could do something else with that time.


Mountain_Monitor_262 t1_iyet90k wrote

You should break up. You are not ready for marriage and want to screw around. Pursue the experiences and other relationships that you want. That is fine. But don’t string her along. You need to let her go to grow. She needs to be with someone who’s ready to settle down. You’re not.


Mountain_Monitor_262 t1_iyd2g4g wrote

It’s your relationship do all the investigating you need to get the whole truth. But common sense, which isn’t always common and it sounds easier than it is, would be to break up with the BF block and go no contact and forget about that woman. She can have him. He can’t be trusted anyways.


Mountain_Monitor_262 t1_iuk9nz7 wrote

BS line that he forewarned you so whatever BS he does is on you. But he made you feel special enough to stay and see it play out. Most women haven’t figured out it’s code for run.


Mountain_Monitor_262 t1_iujzld0 wrote

A GF has priority over a BGF. That’s not his girl best friend that’s his girlfriend. You’re basically on stand by as the placeholder until one day she catches feelings. She likes having that hold over him and probably gives him more attention when he has a GF that becomes her rival competition. Don’t waste your time. Let them play their games by themselves.


Mountain_Monitor_262 t1_iuicxu3 wrote

If he didn’t show you then say nothing and keep an eye on it. A conversation obviously came up about a place/trip or waking up to the sunset. If he did show you then ask where it it was taken at and what made her send this pic as casual discussion. However, this would be the time to consider and planning to pivot the business. If your business depends on flirting to maintain a relationship at the expense of your marriage what does that say about your relationship and your business? Research other resources and make sure you have access to those messages, all devices, and phone bills.