
NoeTellusom t1_j1dzro7 wrote

50% of the time we've called the police we get one of three responses:

  1. we're not coming out, just file a report online.

  2. it'll be hours until we can get there.

  3. we're on our way, then they never show up.

So yeah, not going to buy that bullshit. Meanwhile, police budgets are larger than ever and they are armed like the military without the same rules of engagement.


NoeTellusom t1_j0iq452 wrote

Having bounced around the USA a bit (thank you, husband's 20 year Naval career), lemme assure you - the difference between living in Red states and Blue states are PROFOUND.

Red State America is like living in third world countries. So much pride, so little substance. So much crime, even though everyone is wearing a gun and no one tries to be polite, because it's their God-given right to be intolerant, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic and living through conspiracy theories as they careen from one Trump lie to another as they compete to spend the least on public education.

Blue State America is like living in a wannabe Europe. Everyone bitches about taxes, laws, zoning and building codes, yet folks are polite and help each other and introduce themselves to the new neighbors on the block. Art, music, theatre and more surrounds you and it's not required to be religious to do so. And while all the regular ills of American life are still there, shit isn't falling down as much as in Red State America. Except Pennsylvania. WTF, man?


NoeTellusom t1_iz11ahy wrote

Technically, given they are shared bathrooms for the entire building - yes, you're likely in the room.

That said, as a woman who has often had to use men's rooms in a reversed situation (i.e. 90% women staff, 10% men - who were almost NEVER in the office) - we did this too. We would open the men's room door, yell "Any men in here??? Woman coming in!" and then do so. And even put a post-it "woman occupied" on the door. But we all knew we were doing it.

I've spent some time in Europe where they have all gender bathrooms and honestly, it's pretty awesome. No one cares there. That said, the doors are flush to the frames and go nearly to the floor and such. Unlike our cheap ass crap here.


NoeTellusom t1_iua456m wrote

I went to college in North Adams, so driving to Williamstown on the weekend was pretty common. :D

My sis makes the Pittsfield to Williamstown commute pretty regularly.