
OptimisticSkeleton t1_j1uylxv wrote

I can feel you passion for this subject. I would say the r/singularity approach to this problem would be having AI find a way out of this mess for us so we can get to AGI faster (I think we are a way off but seeing the first hints of it over the horizon i.e. the chat and art AI that have been popularized recently.)

The walkable, ecologically friendly city is the way of the future. The problem is we have a lot invested in infrastructure built around automobiles. There are so many considerations for changing the entire way we build that it’s almost if not completely impossible for humans alone. Perhaps AI could pave a path to a semi-ecotopia and that might be the final societal efficiency push we need to finally get to AGI and the singularity.


OptimisticSkeleton t1_it6lc3o wrote

Except that we really are approaching a place where any further reduction in transistor size creates electrical problems. This happens at 1nm and below, I believe. Companies are working on 2nm transistors right now.