
Orangeb0lt t1_j9vspsr wrote

Yep, same rules for Kosher, to kill and animal in a kosher way they have to follow a process of basically having the cows lean in a way in which blood pools to their head and the cow gets woozy or can even go unconscious, then as quickly as possible you cut the neck artery killing the cow quickly and with "minimal" suffering to the cow. It's not necessarily humane, but it is meant to minimize the suffering of the dying animal.


Orangeb0lt t1_j8ic4ts wrote

If you didn't know that going in, it's on you, it'svery clearly advertised as basically a chrome browser with hardware but around it. Also if you just need it for email, making word docs, excel, youtube. A chromebook works great and can be cheaper than a high end tablet like an iPad.