
PettyWitch t1_j60je0l wrote

If you don't have gutter extenders put on all of your downspouts you should. They're super cheap at Home Depot/Lowe's and will help save your foundation...


PettyWitch t1_j4kzguj wrote

Reply to comment by ScarTissueSarcastic in CT in a nutshell by Mortgena

Colorado. Fucking Lamar’s Donuts ruined me for life. So much variety, all moist, soft, delicious. They were better the simpler the donut because they were made so well. Out here every donut tastes like a chocolate chip cookie made at an Italian bakery (dry, mildly sweet, utterly flavorless)

I will say that bread is much better here though


PettyWitch t1_j4kskhi wrote

I can't imagine why people like Dunkin Donuts. I grew up in this area and all we had for donuts really was Dunkin Donuts -- so I thought all donuts tasted like dry, chemical garbage. I moved out west as an adult and it was years before I bothered to try donuts, and they were delicious at both the chains like Krispey Kreme and even moreso the small shops.

Come back here and everything is disgusting again at DD and every small store that makes them they taste like dry flakey bread, like all Italian pastries. Why? Somebody tried to take me to a gourmet donut shop around here and once again it was like the driest, blandest donut I've ever had with some toppings on top. Why? Why can't we do donuts here? Why can't anybody make them taste like the delicious, soft doughy fried experience they should be?


PettyWitch t1_j0wh9lm wrote

No of course I haven't experienced it personally. We went to visit in 2015 and it was lovely, a lot of poverty but a lot of great food and the jungle was awesome. I don't know how old your girlfriend is or where she lived during the 90s - my husband lived in Satipo in the jungle as a kid with his family. He has a lot of good memories but unfortunately living through the terrorism as a kid sort of destroyed his family and probably his trust in Peru. They first fled to Canada as refugees and lost everything in the process. The family has a lot of trauma stemming from this. So this probably colors his vision of Peru.

However I will say that when we went to Peru we didn't stay in the touristy areas. If you only stay in the touristy areas, it looks quite nice. If you go to the miles of shantytowns outside Lima it doesn't.