RefrigeratorRater t1_jbbwyhx wrote
Reply to comment by Mentatminds in Richmond pretty decent tippers by ExtremeHobo
Literally never heard of Richmond CA. Maybe it is known to West Coasters?
RefrigeratorRater t1_jbbw9k3 wrote
Reply to comment by garfieldgrowls in Chimborazo Elementary by Lavenderev
RefrigeratorRater t1_ja5cfdk wrote
Reply to Restaurant Recommendations for Short Pump by samootha
Lehja or Anokha for Indian. Usually I’d say Tazza but they’re closed on Sundays. Lots of people like Canasta’s Chicken though I prefer Chicken Fiesta. Thai Flavor is decent Thai.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j9hc7y0 wrote
Reply to comment by thetoddfather05 in Henrico, CVWMA to provide free recycling carts to 90,000 customers by CrassostreaVirginica
If you live in Henrico, the landfill may be able to take them. They have a recycling portion and I imagine if anyone can take it, it’d be there will the various collection bins they have.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j9hbus8 wrote
Reply to Dairy and soy free options by Particular-Ad3494
The Daily is pretty good about allergy stuff from what I remember.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j8br3zp wrote
Reply to comment by blueskieslemontrees in HHHunt - good or bad? by blueskieslemontrees
They’re wrong in regards to size, HHHunt is not a big national builder. They don’t even have a stock ticker. I can’t speak to quality comparisons.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j6ov0n8 wrote
Reply to Thoughts on moving to North Chesterfield? by turnipmomma
Short Pump is better
RefrigeratorRater t1_j6outjs wrote
Reply to PSA: Indecent exposure at Byrd Park by Lavenderlaurel
Ok thx
RefrigeratorRater t1_j6n20x0 wrote
Reply to comment by MiloAshworthy in What infrastructure projects or development would you like to see in the area? by Lilratdog
Make the subway a sealed system. Easy.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j6ms8i7 wrote
Reply to What infrastructure projects or development would you like to see in the area? by Lilratdog
Another lane added to 64. Downvote me if you agree
RefrigeratorRater t1_j6mqgun wrote
Reply to comment by foxypucc11 in What infrastructure projects or development would you like to see in the area? by Lilratdog
A subway would be even better
RefrigeratorRater t1_j6gljwo wrote
Reply to comment by instantcoffee69 in “People Moving From NOVA to Richmond Are Ruining Our City” Reports Guy Who Moved Here in 2018 by ThatChildNextDoor
What if people are content with the way things are? I don’t want to live in Arlington or Tysons Corner.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j5ywsy7 wrote
Reply to comment by jpkoushel in The new "district approved" stickers that Hanover teachers have to use because rainbows aren't allowed by Awrnawr
I’m of the middle side where I just want people to be free to exist doing whatever but don’t want a political battle happening in school between the sides you mention. The absence of displaying a rainbow is not the absence of support for the meaning behind it, but it feels like that’s how people interpret it.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j5yg5cd wrote
Reply to comment by lap_doggie in The new "district approved" stickers that Hanover teachers have to use because rainbows aren't allowed by Awrnawr
What you’re describing is a symbol that carries a lot with it, and when brought to an ideological battleground, is used as battle flag. Maybe poor terminology on my part, but either way, the words on this print out sufficiently state all are welcome, and the rainbow brings a lot with it politically that is best avoided at a school. Same way I wouldn’t want teachers wearing MAGA hats even though the literal words on the hat are fine, the symbolism just stirs people up.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j5ydxqk wrote
Reply to comment by Lokky in The new "district approved" stickers that Hanover teachers have to use because rainbows aren't allowed by Awrnawr
It’s used as a way to identify “which side” one is on. Otherwise the words on this print out are sufficient to share the message you mention. The same way the Don’t Tread On Me license plate is a battle flag for tea partiers
RefrigeratorRater t1_j5x5odm wrote
Reply to comment by blackdragon8577 in The new "district approved" stickers that Hanover teachers have to use because rainbows aren't allowed by Awrnawr
Makes sense. Still feels a little weird to have at school if you view it as a battle flag, since school ideally isn’t a battleground the way Twitter or TikTok are. However maybe I’m the odd man out in thinking one doesn’t need to be in battle mode all the time.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j5wy8wi wrote
Reply to comment by otepp in The new "district approved" stickers that Hanover teachers have to use because rainbows aren't allowed by Awrnawr
Does the rainbow include straight people? Real question. I’ve always thought of the rainbow as representing LGBTQ+ ppl. So you would use the rainbow in the context of saying like an event or space is welcoming of them, but IDK if it applies to literally everyone.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j2dbvjd wrote
Reply to comment by lame_gaming in Henrico Survey for Short Pump Interchange by DeannaZone
Lol I’m trying to picture someone walking somewhere in Short Pump. “Hey honey, heading to the mall, I’ll be back… tomorrow!”
RefrigeratorRater t1_j2c6a3d wrote
Reply to comment by TheStinkySkunk in Parent tries to teach son positivity about police. He ends up with brain injury. by ludba2002
Thanks, I missed that.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j2bgdee wrote
Reply to comment by mynameisnotmorgan in Parent tries to teach son positivity about police. He ends up with brain injury. by ludba2002
Unfortunately the article doesn’t have details on how the kid was injured, beyond him headbutting an officer. But agree that I don’t see why a kid needed to be cuffed.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j2bblli wrote
Reply to Parent tries to teach son positivity about police. He ends up with brain injury. by ludba2002
TBH the article is kind of lacking in details beyond the before and after of the scene according to the mother. Will wait for further details before getting my pitchfork.
RefrigeratorRater t1_j1xl84z wrote
Reply to Who are our local influencers? by Smalls_DiscountStore
The West End Mom
RefrigeratorRater t1_j1k5fyg wrote
Reply to comment by chairmanbrando in PSA: Always turn off your house main water supply when you go out of town in the winter by Charlesinrichmond
Isn’t there usually a shut off out closer to the street too?
RefrigeratorRater OP t1_j1i55p2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why are Henrico roads so much better? by RefrigeratorRater
What about the buildings that people are working in, does the city get property taxes from those?
RefrigeratorRater t1_jdh3nrk wrote
Reply to comment by ssgonzalez11 in Dmv and gifting a car by ssgonzalez11
I don’t think what that person said is valid. Or rather, I don’t think it’s related to sales tax on a vehicle. Pretty sure they are talking about federal level taxes and gifts.