
Rmcneil87 t1_jan1l93 wrote

It’s a shit hole. There’s two decent areas in the whole town and they’re far away from the “center”

Schools are bad. Hospitals are bad. If you have to commute to work, good luck hope you like traffic 😂


Rmcneil87 t1_j69vpfy wrote

you can downvote me all you like, you're probably missing something here. And i'm the only person giving you relevant information and possible solutions to your problem-- I won't comment again. good luck addressing your issues, hope the best for you.


Rmcneil87 t1_j69uhuj wrote

there should always be a reading, even if its an estimate it will tell you what the estimated usage is. if there is not any usage information I would definitely contact them and ask why. I have no explanation for that.


Rmcneil87 t1_j68pk3x wrote

I have no trust in any company. But I know how they operate and I have experience in the field. So I’d wager to say I have a better understanding of how metering and billing and utility construction works than your average person.


Rmcneil87 t1_j68ftk1 wrote

Meters have radios in them. It pings a signal every few seconds. Bills are done In cycles. Every cycle is a different area of the city/coverage area. They have a vehicle with a transponder that drives around and collects the data sent from each individual meter. That’s how they “automatically” get a reading from your meter every month. Unless you pay the (I think it’s $15 I could be wrong) money to have someone physically come read your meter. You can also ask them to have someone come re-read the meter if you think there was an error.


Rmcneil87 t1_j68fe6x wrote

You and thousands of other people— utilities are not magic, they deal with hundreds of thousands of customers. It’s an impossible ask to expect immediate answers or change. You should post your bills from the previous two years during the same time frame, and then compare it to the new readings with your new meter. One day of usage doesn’t come close to telling you the full story. One week isn’t enough either.

If it’s proven that they have over billed you , they will credit you. This is why myself and others have told you to contact the DPU. There are processes for everything. You need to have the patience and understanding to work that process. Complaining here or taking frustrations out on a representative isn’t going to get your situation corrected.

Again, I think you’re grasping at straws with the conspiracy thing. They’re not purposely trying to screw your over.


Rmcneil87 t1_j5za2c8 wrote

Reply to comment by Rmcneil87 in Electricity Bill Update by dupattaluella

Also, they can’t really rip you off via metering…The state audits a percentage of meters randomly yearly. Mechanical failure on meters is pretty low especially in newer meters that are digital versus older style glass meters which use a disk and gears to spin.


Rmcneil87 t1_j5z9kdp wrote

Your difference has nothing to do with the meter technically. It’s the program the meter is on. You just changed from AMI (“smart metering”)to AMR. Your meter more than likely was already being read wirelessly as 99% of residential are, because NG charges a fee to have someone come out and read your meter monthly. AMI meters are designed so you can use power during the cheapest time(off peak hours) to cut the costs.

Customer service is useless and 85% of the time have no clue what they’re saying. Just trying to get you off the line.

Pretty much everyone hates AMI though, as there’s no real instruction on how to use them properly. And a customer service rep has no clue about any of the technical details. They basically read from a script.