
RoverTheMonster t1_j9goky7 wrote

Wow I bet the people occupying these short term rentals will be so excited to walk to Sixers games

EDIT: Wait, how has no one commented on the fact that it’s being named “The Jaan at Center City”? Is this supposed to be some stylized version of “jawn”? If so, that’s some John Morgan level bullshit


RoverTheMonster t1_j8xt61k wrote

This person gets it

I've been ranting about recycling and trash on this sub for a while and have decided just to stop trying to recycle. This morning I even bagged my neighbors' wet Trader Joe's bags and put them out with by trash bc of the rain and wind and how tired I am of cleaning up my block every week bc of this asinine collection system we have here in Philly. It's absolutely not worth it anymore


RoverTheMonster t1_j6bh6i7 wrote

I recommend calling the city’s Homelessness Prevention Hotline (215-686-7177) to speak with a counselor who can best direct you to available resources/services