
t1_jeeesgo wrote

The owner of the house determines what fair rent is. Probably not 50% of the mortgage but if you're actually going to get married eventually then it won't matter anyways.

Splitting anything based on income hardly makes sense.

The rest is relationship advice, in terms of how you agree to split things. The fairest, healthiest way when married is 50/50 split unless 100% certain agreed not to for a variety of possible reasons.


OP t1_iyelqnw wrote

I get this:

> We can't complete this request. This offer isn't available at this time. We're sorry for the inconvenience. Make sure you keep your income up-to-date to be considered for future offers.

Maybe not enough history or something... My previous card was almost twice what this card was, but I had closed the other one then opened this one, so perhaps not enough gap to show potential, available credit worthiness


t1_iydur3j wrote

Marriage is old fashioned but still doing that, lol. I know this isn't relationship advice sub, but make sure he's ok with that and he doesn't take it the wrong way, like you not liking his name or something. I have a family member that did this. I never understood it, but each couple is certainly allowed to do what they want.


t1_iydtdk1 wrote

Edited for answered questions already.

Are you aiming for 20% down on the house? Have you budgeted home repairs, moving, initial purchases?

Be careful with the timing when it comes to applying for a mortgage. You don't want a brand new debt of a vehicle with no payment history showing up just before. There are minor credit drops from inquiries etc.

From a paperwork standpoint, it's probably easier to get married first, lol. Doing name change forms always seems like a hassle.

If you've budgeted everything out, then should be ok, but just make sure you've set a safety net of unplanned expenses and have an adequate emergency fund to cover everything. (Like, what happens if one of you loses your job for several months.)

Children are expensive when it comes to childcare. Expect daycare to be around the cost of a mortgage if you don't have relatives stepping in.


t1_iy97qle wrote

Exactly. No point in looking into consolidation type options (whether it be a personal loan, which 90K is might not even be approved, or otherwise) if you're just going to default on it anyways because you have no idea how to budget or manage expenses.