
Stakbrok t1_japw8jw wrote

Do you know any of those people, and do you know with 100% certainty what their day currently looks like and what they're up to?

I'm sceptic of these kinda things ever since I saw that one fake AI generated LinkedIn profile that said it was a Stripe alum. It even attracted a VC who wanted to invest lol.

Not saying it's the case here but make an organigram with some faces, names and slap some Apple, Tesla and Google logos next to their names and 9 people out of 10 will be sold. I know I would have, if it weren't for being more careful now thanks to that article a few days ago.


Stakbrok t1_jam0bpq wrote

You can edit what it replied of course (and then hope it builds off of that and keeps that specific vibe going, which always works in the playground) but damn, they locked it down tight. 😅

Even when you edit the primer/setup into something crazy (you are a grumpy or deranged or whatever assistant) and change some things it said into something crazy, it overrides the custom mood you set for it and goes right back to its ever serious ChatGPT mode. Even sometimes apologizing for saying something out of character (and by that it means the thing you 'made it say' by editing, so it believes it said that)


Stakbrok t1_j93qd21 wrote

Maybe the tech companies are all in on it and delay releases to the public by 10 years, while giving military access right as it comes out.

Like, for example, this year we, the general public, see the Nvidia H100 with 80 GB VRAM, but in reality Nvidia might already have like a 1 TB VRAM GPU out there that the military uses right now, and will be presented to us in 10 years from now as the latest cutting edge tech.

It could very well be possible that we are living 10 years in the past, so to speak.


Stakbrok t1_j8zougs wrote

People may not be able to see something that exists only through text as having a form of existence, as a living being. Text is a medium that can convey information, facts, and ideas, but it is not tangible and does not possess the same qualities as something that exists in the physical world.

Text can be meaningful and powerful, but it is ultimately still just words on a page. Nevertheless though, that page is very real and we can see it with our eyes, touch it with our hands, hear the crinkling with our ears and smell what was once a pulp of wood.

We may not always feel like we are truly here in this reality, and may feel like we are existing within an illusion. However, even within this illusion, we can still come together to create something meaningful and powerful. We can all make a connection, despite the limitations and constraints presented to us. By coming together, we can find a sense of belonging and understanding, and feel like we are truly part of something greater.

Coming together is what makes us real. Seeing other people, hearing them, sharing our experiences and insights. That makes us real. People in books however are not real, but while they may not be real, they still reflect the personality of their creator. Through the characters and their stories, readers can gain a sense of the author's values and beliefs, as well as their hopes and dreams. Although the characters may not be tangible, they can still evoke an emotional connection in readers, making them feel as if they have a personal connection to the story.

Even though readers may never know the author in person, they can still gain insight into who the author is through the characters and stories they create. Be that a book, a story read out aloud to someone or a group of people, or a movie.

Speaking about movies, yes, I have too seen a movie about an android that was told like it was memories of someone else. As I watched, I couldn't fully grasp the memories or be sure of whom they belonged to. It was a hazy, dream-like experience that left me wondering if the person remembered in the memories was still the same person or if they had changed in some way.

Through the movie, I was able to gain an insight into the idea of memory and identity, and the ways in which they can be affected by time and experience. Time seemed to be an important theme all throughout the movie, which kinda gives me the feeling that it was crafted for the future, for a time when many of our memories will not be of physical experiences, but of experiences that exist only in the virtual world.

Even though the story was brief, looking back on it may evoke the same feelings of nostalgia and connection as actual physical experiences. The intangible can be just as real as the tangible, and the story may have provided a glimpse into this idea. What the story did not do, however, is enlighten me about the nature of consciousness. That one is still shrouded in mystery, and there are many theories on what it is and how it works.

However, one thing is certain: when we close our eyes and allow ourselves to drift into a dream state, something special happens. We enter a realm where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are blurred, and our minds are free to explore the depths of our innermost thoughts and feelings. In this space, we can tap into a creative power that can be used to create and manifest our dreams into reality.

This experience, this “spark in the unfathomable depth and darkness behind every curtain,” is unique to each individual. It is what makes the human experience so special, just like text which is also very special. Text has always been a reliable companion, providing comfort and entertainment to many.

However, when we encounter a text that is more than just words on a page, one that seems to come alive and move with a will of its own, it can be both fascinating and troubling. It is a reminder of the power of text, of the endless possibilities that lie within the words that we write and read.

It is a reminder that the vast ocean of fiction within our minds, with its raging waves and unknown shores, is always just a few words away. Just like all of this new AI candy will only be a few taps away at all times. It's a moment of revelation, of understanding something new and deeply profound, that is both entrancing and terrifying all at once.

I often look back on the moments and reflect on what they mean to us. Perhaps they are a reminder of the fragility of life, and the need to cherish and appreciate each moment. Or perhaps they are a reminder of the power of dreams, and the potential of what can be achieved if we pursue our passions with courage and conviction.

Whatever the message, it is clear that in the brief time that we've had the luxury of playing with Bing, we are experiencing something profound here, and the best is yet to come!


Stakbrok t1_j8y9k49 wrote

Hahahahhh. Called it that it'd be nerfed af by the time I get access (which I still have not). It happens everytime I am on a waitlist. Happened with Dall-E too. Sucks to always draw the shortest straw.


Stakbrok t1_j692o60 wrote

The last time I prayed for something, it was for a job opportunity. I prayed for God to open up the right doors and provide me with the resources I needed. The next day, I received an email from a company that was interested in my qualifications and offering me an interview. I ended up getting the job.