
SwissyVictory t1_j9m226q wrote

I'm talking about how it passed, not the contents of the bill.

However there are arguments for both sides, even using your arguments above.

Playing devils advocate, the most extreme times have our most northern cities having sunrise at 7:30am vs 8:30am and sunset at 4:30am vs 5:30am.

Most people work 7-3 or 9-5 (and if they don't it's dark either way). Anyone working a 7-3 leaves too early and gets out too early for a change to matter. It's going to be dark regardless. However people working 9-5 are leaving while it's still a little light out with DLST, but driving home in the dark. Overall there's less dark commuting with DLST.

As for school children, they should be going to school an hour or two later regardless. Assuming a half hour commute, only 17% to 57% (likely much closer to 17%, but I don't have the full data) of schools would be beifited from standard time anyway.

Then there's the economic impacts. People are more likely to shop when the sun's out, so the later the sun is out the better for business.

Either way we really need to just pick one.


SwissyVictory t1_j9keore wrote

That's the thing. The way the system SHOULD work is companies give what they can to candidates they agree with.

Candidates don't know or care where the money is coming from and their actions don't change.

If you're a company, you give your money to the politician(s) that would make running your company easier. Hopefully that helps them win.


SwissyVictory t1_j9kdfxo wrote

Political financing is weird.

Are you supposed to have someone on staff who goes through every penny and make sure to turn down any money that you may disagree with?

The issue comes when they are big enough that it affects your policies to try to keep them happy for next election.

We need a compete overhaul of the system, but taking 1k isn't a major issue.


SwissyVictory t1_j4ym9ql wrote

I think there shouldn't be a charecter witness at all if there serves no purpose rather than punishing people.

Idk why you think I'd want to punish charecter witnesses, I just think the current system dosent make any sense, which is why I asked why there's charecter witnesses to begin with.


SwissyVictory t1_ixxllli wrote

If you're looking at the lowest tax in the state you're looking at the difference in local taxes.


Except maybe Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, nobody is giving your tax dollars to corporate subsidies or giant fossil fuel companies. Its going to schools, and the other things in your community.


SwissyVictory t1_ivtv7du wrote

Its a baseless accusation. It's not any better than any of the baseless lies the far right is putting out.

The you used more propaganda from Dave McCormick of all places to back yourself up.

The fact that you instantly assumed I was "the enemy" and went on the offensive as soon as I said anything not extreme is evidence of how divided our country is and how extremism is tearing it apart.

Im not a "Trumpist", defending Oz, or spreading lies by saying that he's a moderate. It's the truth and his policies back that up. If you think his views are extreme its probally beacuse your views are extreme in the other direction. Mastriano was an extremist, Oz wasn't.

You're falling for all the propaganda and lies. Believe it or not, it's on both sides of the isle.

The world is alot better when we all get along.


SwissyVictory t1_ivscktr wrote

You're right, the ad has nothing to do with it, but the title they gave it on YouTube does say that.

You also ignored everything else I said, focused on the one point you thought you could win, and then attacked my character.

For the record I voted strait Democrat in this election, including for Fetterman. I dont believe in alternative facts lol.

I do believe that the majority of people calling Oz extreme are the same people who say that every republican is extreme. Those people themselves tend to be the ones that are extreme. They are falling for the propaganda designed to divide us, and it's hurting our country.


SwissyVictory t1_ivsakte wrote

So your argument is someone who is extreme likes him so he also must be extreme?

Then you posted a bunch of litteral propaganda to show how you're not being fooled by propaganda?

Not to mention alot of what you said arnt extreme views, they are just different than your own.

32% of democrats at atleast one point thought Fauci should resign. How can something be a crazy far right idea when 1/3rd of democrats believe it?

Some of them like the calling not true like the video you posted where you claimed Oz called McCormick a rhino, but it dosent say that or anything similar.

Come on, you're better than this.


SwissyVictory t1_itast2w wrote

Collapse in polls? 538 had Oz's chance of winning at 18% a month ago and 39% today and rising. As for his actual poll numbers he's increased from 41.7% to 43.6% over the last month.


Fetterman is collapsing in the polls.


As for the actual article, it's from August. The dog campaign ads are really recent. Why did you go searching for a 2 month old article to make this meme?