
TheTowerBard t1_j7pll7w wrote

This is the ignorant bullshit they brainwashed you with. You want to know another eternal truth? Human beings have always looked out for each other and helped the weakest of their communities. Since the dawn of man. You also see this behavior EVERYWHERE in nature.

"Only the strong survive" can only be said if you apply ZERO thought into what you are saying (how very on brand). It's genuinely the dumbest and most ignorant of all the the dumb ignorant things you chuds say. Even you, as tough and independent as you want to pretend you are, I guarantee you have people you watch out for in life. And I bet there are people watching out for you too. Good on you, but stop pretending there is some issue when other people look out for others as well.

With that said, your racist bullshit isn't welcome in Vermont. Never has been and never will be.


TheTowerBard t1_j7pjryv wrote

Trying to look at this issue on a local level is fairly pointless. It is a national crisis. Homeless people are migratory. I'm sure there were plenty of folks who hopped on a bus and headed south for the winter, or west to California. It's what they do, and then they usually try to get back to their "local netwrok" when they can.

We also know there are plenty of folks from neighboring states who have landed in hotel rooms here because they couldn't get help where they were (to be clear, I am personally very ok with this).

Taking the count in January is actually fairly idiotic, imo. This is useless data that serves no purpose other than taking a snapshot of January. They need to do it again in the summer and get people out to the campsites and other places folks make their homes. Then we could compare those numbers and get a better idea of the actual issue here, but only doing a count in the dead of winter is silly.

Again, the most important point is that this is a national issue and we need to discuss it and address it as such.


TheTowerBard t1_j7piszd wrote

There are a number of things wrong with using this sort of data to try to paint any realistic picture.

  1. The count was done in January when it is freezing outside. Homeless people are mostly migratory. Those that couldn't find shelter somewhere, probably got on a bus and headed south or west for the winter. They may be back when the weather warms up, so using this as a benchmark for how good we are doing sheltering folks isn't really giving us a proper picture.
  2. The housing crisis isn't a Vermont issue or a California issues, it's a national issue. Again, homeless people are migratory. They move around. The homeless folks living on the cliff in Santa Monica are mostly from other places. I even met a fellow Vermonter there while doing outreach in the 2010s.

The idea of dumping money into landlord's hands "in exchange for temporarily keeping rents affordable and prioritizing people exiting homelessness" is completely insane. We need permanent affordable housing. This program would pay for repairs for the people who are partially responsible for the problem in the first place. It's completely bonkers.

Gov Scott isn't wrong to point out this is an issue bigger than VT, but I don't see any mention of what his administration is doing to build bridges with neighboring states and/or bringing this issue to the federal level (which is what we need to do if we want to find actual solutions). Again, this is a national crisis, not just a Vermont crisis.


TheTowerBard t1_j7palwx wrote

I deem being a racist a bad practice. You should consider stopping.

Also, I’m not particularly interested in your bullshit mental gymnastics you scumbags use to make it easier to sleep at night. If your spending this amount of time and energy reacting to this article in this way, you are truly a vile scumbag racist POS. I’m sorry if that reality hurts your fee fees, but maybe reflect on it a bit.


TheTowerBard t1_j7p7qjf wrote

As the ignorant racist scum in the comments are showing, the issue is not just in high school sports. Vermont has a major issue with racism and always has. We just have gotten by without it being so obvious simply because there is a serious lack of diversity here. Not a lot of targets for these scumbags.

There’s a great PBS doc I recommend called I Am From Here everyone should watch:


TheTowerBard t1_j772xu1 wrote

We have a way, we just never use it. We can, as a community, decide to March one of these schmucks to the county line and tell them they aren’t welcome back. You’re right in that the community needs the authority here, but we already have it. What we need is community lead oversight and community organizing so we all know when to meet at the sheriff’s office to begin the March to the county line.

Most of these people aren’t even from the communities they work in and claim to protect. As for supporting them, I’ll support them when one of the supposed good ones starts speaking out strongly against the bad ones. If the good apples happily stay in the barrel with the bad ones, they’re spoiled too.

Just look at that POS in Addison county. Every other sherif should have been calling loudly for him to step down. That scumbag was charged with two counts of felony sexual assault, his ex-wife went public saying she experienced the same abuse, and everyone just sat back and said “oh well if he won’t leave on his own guess there’s nothing we can do, awe shucks.” That is insane. Beyond insane. It’s embarrassing and shameful. Every other Vermont cop should be disgusted to be associated with the profession here when that is allowed to happen. What a joke.


TheTowerBard t1_j74bjs6 wrote

Oh for sure. I’m not suggesting that’s not true. I’m saying that OF COURSE there are homeless folks here that aren’t from here. There are homeless folks everywhere that aren’t from there. They move to places where they can manage to get by. Often that means a warmer part of the country in the winter, but if they can stay closer to where they are from and not have to take a bus all the way to Florida just so they don’t freeze to death in the winter, they will. Again, this is why this is a national issue and not a local issue. We need to stop thinking of it as such.


TheTowerBard t1_j71xft1 wrote

Homeless people move around. That’s why when we discuss the issue in places like California and Florida, we often recognize that those are national issues, not just local issues there. Folks from all over the country migrate to warmer places in the winter. They also migrate back. They would often prefer to find a way to live in communities they are familiar with, hence someone from the northeast doing anything they can to stay in the northeast and not have to travel south every winter.

Anyway, all of this to say that we need to somehow get over being locked down by invisible man made lines in the ground and just help people. The homeless issues is a national one.


TheTowerBard t1_j6oi1md wrote

You clearly didn’t look at the laws that I linked you to though. California knife laws are not an issue for anyone. They are very reasonable.

Also, since you brought up the issue with homelessness, the crisis in California is a national issue, not a local California issue. Homeless folks from all over the country flock to California and to Florida and to other southern states. Homeless issues in those places are very much a national issue. I guarantee you there are former Vermonters in those places that are living there homeless. Actually, I know for a fact there are because I have done homeless outreach in these places.

The reason I’m assuming you’re a right-winger, is because you’re using all of their fear mongering talking points when you’re discussing these other places. It’s actually slightly embarrassing if you aren’t a right winger my dude. Please get out and visit some of these places. They aren’t nearly as bad as the angry man on TV makes them out to be.