
TheTowerBard t1_jbzzhvt wrote

Important things like showing a presence on a Sunday afternoon when we all know the road south is going to be full of well-off entitled pricks like the masshole in the the BMW today that almost took my kids and I out as he weaved through traffic at literally 95 mph as the rest of us were slowing down for a construction zone that brought us to one lane? Idk man, doing something, literally anything to prevent that and make our roads safer would be nice. The lazy assholes don’t even have to be there, just park a few of their SUVs in the median here and there. Problem solved. They literally just don’t give a fuck, and yes, it started exactly at the pandemic and hasn’t changed. Wonder why… 🤔


TheTowerBard t1_jbzvrj1 wrote

Not even one today. I rarely see them anymore. A few years ago I’d see at least one every trip between 89 and Mass border. Multiple on a Sunday with all the skiers headed home. I’ve made that trek twice a week for a decade now. I’ve noticed similar in CT. The Mass Staties haven’t let up though. They’re still always out, multiple every trip.


TheTowerBard t1_jbzjzrp wrote

I know exactly one person who became a VT State Trooper and I also know exactly one person who assaulted someone while in college for their criminal justice degree so they could become… a VT State Trooper. Interesting that the police didn’t believe his victim and then he became one… 🤔

Interestingly, the only other thing I know about VT state troopers is they steal expensive items from their evidence lockup.

Oooh! I got another one, they’ve completely stopped even attempting to enforce traffic laws. Spent a few hours on 91 just today with all our weekend visitors heading south and didn’t see one single VT cop along the way. It would of been easy pickings out there, too.


TheTowerBard t1_jamu8bs wrote

I'd definitely try the LoFi thing to boost views if you're up to it / it's in line with your goals for the channel. Do like an hour drive, or just slap some of the videos you have together to make about an hour. You want it to be something that people will put on and forget as they just vibe/work/study/whatever with it in the background. If you hired one of those companies to boost views, this is exactly what they do. The only difference is they have an army of accounts that they then set to watch that video a bunch of times to rack up views. The LoFi vibe videos are pretty popular though so search results alone should bring in views without the fake bot views. Please don't waste your money on those fake views though, growing naturally with people that will stick around to keep the views rolling is a longer grind, but it makes for a very healthy channel.

Good luck!


Edit: thanks for the Demon's Souls tips too! Just started a new playthrough last week!


TheTowerBard t1_jamrxij wrote

Love this! Thanks for sharing. I actually had a similar idea as you guys in the last couple years but wound up putting my energy into a music project instead. I just happen to spend a lot of time driving and thought I should capture some of the prettier drives and upload them to YouTube.

If I had launched this, my plan was to swap the camera audio for some LoFi grooves (you can find some free to use stuff that is nice). I enjoy some of those LoFi music channels while working, but would love one with something more interesting than an animated loop on it for visuals.

Anyway, please steal my idea if you dig it! It might help with watch hours too if you are going for monetization. Looks like you aren't far off on the sub front.

Edit: this is also super fun and I'd watch the crap out of more of this stuff:


TheTowerBard t1_jaj6lso wrote

Y’all keep sleeping on New Haven. Great little city, amazing music venues and theatre, and the best pizza in the world. All just a nice easy drive straight down 91.

NY isn’t a bad trip down 87 if you’re on the west side of VT either.

Man, we got some great options! It’s shocking to me so many Vermonters don’t take advantage of getting out to these places more.


TheTowerBard t1_jaeu079 wrote

Or we could just use the tax money we already pay on things that benefit our communities. We are the richest nation in the world. We are supposedly a Christian nation. Providing the absolute best education for all of our children should be a priority. We treat it as less than an afterthought. It’s shameful. And using money and/or taxes for why we can’t do something like this is a result of brainwashing.


TheTowerBard t1_jadsgqp wrote

This is deranged. A decent society would have well funded smaller community schools in every neighborhood. We know what our kids need to thrive, we actively choose to deny them of that. We constantly make the situation worse, not better. Smaller classes. Better pay for teachers to attract the best. Its truly deranged. And if your reason for denying our kids a good education is funding, then I’ve a got a bridge for sale in NY I’d like to discuss with you as you clearly have zero sense. We are the wealthiest country in the world. We are supposedly a Christian nation. It is a choice to deny our kids the education we know that most will thrive in.

What are we doing folks? We are objectively a society that hates its children. The two leading causes of death for children in our country are guns and car accidents. Both could be almost entirely eliminated if us adults collectively decided to actually give a shit.


TheTowerBard t1_jaa017h wrote

I'm of the opinion that if you DON'T care about party at every level you are a fool. Where do you think the folks that make it to the national level get their feet wet, Nicholas?

You also clearly haven't been paying attention the last whole bunch of years (20+ now) as the extreme right, white supremacist groups, and even the Qanon psychopaths have been encouraging their flock to run for local office and a school board positions. Sheesh.


TheTowerBard t1_ja8q9uq wrote

If this company is big enough to get involved in building an apartment building, and now a plot with tiny houses for their employees, they are big enough to pay them a living wage for the community in which they are located. Let’s let that money go back into the local economy instead of back into the company’s bank account.

If they were offering heavily discounted rents to employees we’d be having a different discussion. They don’t seem to be. This is the exact sort of thing that crated those “too big” corporations that are the perfect example you seek.

All I’m saying is that we’ve seen this before, we know how it will play out, and it will benefit the company not the people of that community. So let’s learn from history instead of continually making the same mistakes over and over.