
The_Crowley89 t1_j6pj6uk wrote

You make him go to therapy for his gambling addiciton, take charge of your finances and let him do more parenting with his children.

It sucks but its still not as expensive and draining as a divorce. Couples counseling on top of that so you can have a outlet, too. The debt is still considerable managable. He will have to work harder and longer hours, so while shit is being set up, let him spend time with his kid so you can take care of some of the steps needed.

Make it very clear that you are at a loss and that he will have to show, through actions, that you did not chose the wrong person.

Sorry this is happening to you. I would also suggest to get a financial consultant.


The_Crowley89 t1_j6pgpb1 wrote

You can just straight tell him that you would really like him to give you oral. Its also important that you lead him during it a little to your sweet-spots, so he can make you cum.

Once he learned that you can cum from him giving oral, he will probably put more effort into it, too. Also, try to be as clean as possible.

Your taste is not that important, most guys have their "ways" to work around bad taste and do not really mind. So do not worry too much about that but you can still ask if you taste bad if he acts kind of flaky around the subject.

You can want to learn communicating all you want but the fun thing is, communication comes from talking and listening a lot so do not avoid topics that seem a bit embaressing. Embrace them and with the right person, it will be rewarded.


The_Crowley89 t1_j6pehu6 wrote

I sometimes have sex with women without their verbal consent because they clearly initiate sex. From the guys point of view, she did exactly that.

I do not ask "Do you want to have sex?" when shes already licking my zipper.

EDIT: actually i did once and she kinda started laughing and asked me "what the fuck do you think smart boy" - so that was a fun night.


The_Crowley89 t1_j6pc249 wrote

How can she not remember but remember that she has been raped. To add, why would she choose this guys home to stay over at night, someone she has been intimite a lot with in the past?

I have plenty more questions but at the end of the day, why does no one hold her accountable for her actions?

She might genuinly believe that she has been raped and i am not trying to inject malicious intend here but in all honesty, he asked if she wants to have sex, she gave as good as consent as he is used to from her and thats that.

Making terrible consequtive decisions is not = being raped.


The_Crowley89 t1_j6p99rk wrote

Its his issue and he needs to work on that. The problem already started by him projecting this insecurity into the relationship.

As of right now, it might not be a issue to you guys because you are still very fresh and in love. Once the glitter goes away and some struggles set in, he will however most likely use porn as a resource to avoid confrontation with you, where it matters.

Its speculation. Support him on stopping but if he is not taking serious approaches to stop, he is just talking about stopping and not actually doing anything.


The_Crowley89 t1_j2dw3gs wrote

You ask him not her. Dont play stupid games, you can only win stupid prizes. Chance is it meant nothing. However, if you do not trust him, stop being with him or you could also open up about your insecurity, talk it out and be repsonsibly for your own feelings and hold him accountable for his actions and words. Like an adult.