
True_Comment_4144 t1_j1m0emr wrote

Just be happy you're alive now! That's all we can do.

Immigration will never stop, and most of the United States will be indistinguishable from Venezuela/Brazil in about 50 years time.

Democrats will do literally anything to remain in power, and importing poor people is importing votes.

Do you really think rich politicians like Kathy Hochul and Joe Biden give a fuck about some poor, smelly migrants? LMFAO. They are so insulated from it they don't care.

Thankfully most of us will be dead before then.


True_Comment_4144 t1_iv1juxl wrote

As someone who drives a lot- I've noticed people have become extremely poor drivers since covid.

This isn't something I'm imagining, it's palpable and significantly noticable.

It's a weird phenomenon that I truly cannot wrap my head around. Trust me, I've tried.

I could theoretically understand during the pandemic, and maybe immediately after since some people weren't driving for a few months/a year- but those days are long long behind us.

The amount of people who seem to be driving in a total and complete daze concerns me from a societal standpoint. It's not just people driving fast either, if anything it's the exact opposite that I personally notice.

Don't take this the wrong way and confuse what I'm saying with me complaining that people are driving a "safe speed" or that I'm an aggressive driver or anything. That's not what I'm saying at all.

Some people drive so fucking slow now. Zero awareness of their surroundings. Legit like they're zombies or their brain is suddenly incapable of processing what it sees and responding with inputs to their vehicle controls. It's like 70% of drivers on the road suddenly became stupid during the pandemic or something.

This is noticable in the city, but due to the perpetual congestion, it's way more apparent in the suburbs and NJ highways for example. The amount of traffic delays due to shitty slow drivers on the same roads I've driven for 15 years has increased almost double in some areas. The same green light that 20 people used to be able to get though, now 10 do. That kind of thing.

I think this has alot to do with the increase in accidents. People who do want to drive normally get extremely frustrated and overcompensate by driving too fast. Recipe for disaster.

Just my .02


True_Comment_4144 t1_iu4ssce wrote

What?? People who live here absolutely care about this stuff.

Just because you and maybe your circle don't, stop speaking for the other 9 million people.

What are you even saying? The only news allowed is what you feel is "representative of what's happening on the ground".

Anythign remotely conservative already gets erased on here. We aren't even allowed to discuss the debate. How much more oversight do you want?


True_Comment_4144 t1_iu49nb1 wrote

Yeah even if the user is just running around posting inflammatory shit who cares? This is still a NYC article and can be discussed as such by us.

Not to mention, when this sub is left up to it's own devices- we aren't even allowed to discuss the gubernatorial debate lol. All threads about it were nuked.

This is the definition of sticking your head in the sand.


True_Comment_4144 t1_itxib64 wrote

>How much do you want to clean garbage?


150k a year with 3 months paid vacation, medical, dental, vision, and the ability to WFH and pick up garbage virtually on zoom 3 out of 5 days a week.

Anything short of that is unfair and radical unchecked capitalism.
