
TwoforFlinching613 t1_je4tgd7 wrote

Reply to comment by the_ssotf in Internet... by MixtureDizzy4928

If you want the FCC to pay attention to your complaints, you would have to get at least a few hundred, maybe 1000 people, to submit the same or similar issues. The FCC probably gets thousands of random complaints a day/week. They're not going to take action until it is affecting more than just one or a handful of people. It would be impossible to thoroughly follow up on every complaint they receive.


TwoforFlinching613 t1_j63uizh wrote

2nd that grocery shopping is easy in that area. Buy reusable bags, only one person, one bag should be fine. At least it is for me when I go to the grocery store. Also, there are multiple grocery delivery services Instacart, Amazon, Imperfect Foods, etc.

Have lived in Boston for 20 years without a car without issue.


TwoforFlinching613 t1_itmm0ds wrote

The MBTA employees widely vary in attitudes and willingness to help. You will find a few that do their best, some that a just there and other will just rudely kick you off/get you out of their face.

As stated in another comment, they do a lot of assuming you will figure it out on your own with little/no help.