
Where_is_it_going t1_j93ww43 wrote

Yeah there is a sweet spot after they've processed through the divorce and are single. I was definitely a hot mess after mine, they need a year or two to figure themselves out and get over it.

Unless you're just looking for something casual, in which case they are a good catch. Definitely are not going to be locking you down.


Where_is_it_going t1_j93luhd wrote

I agree with this entirely. I remember being single at 28 after a 7 year relationship. I was so awkwardly aged for everyone. People in their early 20s saw me as old, people in their 30s saw me as too young for anything serious. People my own age where I lived were often grad students with little life experiences because all they'd done at that point was being in school, and we had nothing in common. I legitimately had a 22 year old call me a puma because I was like a "young cougar" at 28. I did not enjoy dating and often felt bad about myself.

In my 30s now and things are much better. 30-40 things even out a lot more, there are less extreme differences in lifestyle and maturity in this age range, so 30/39 is totally reasonable whereas 20/29 would have been a lot more weird.


Where_is_it_going t1_iyd95w4 wrote

Reply to comment by thecookout in IUD Replacement by Worf0fWallStreet

I didn't ask for any additional pain management from them (my first insertion was almost painless so I didn't expect to need it), but I got an oral cervix softener from them and it did not help at all. My removal and reinsertion was genuinely some of the worst pain of my life.