
ZA44 t1_je063w5 wrote

I am making comparisons across countries. These talks about whiteness have been becoming mainstream in every English speaking country with a white majority. Countries generally speaking that have for the last 50 years been some of the most accepting and progressive nations in history. I think focusing on what binds us is much preferred over what differences we have. It’s much healthier for the country and makes it much easier to reshape the dominant culture to something we can all feel that we are part of.


ZA44 t1_jcp99mr wrote

I’ve lived here all my life and most families I know owned cars. A lot of us have family on LI or NJ, use our cars for work outside of Manhattan and generally like to take trips outside of the city. See how my anecdotal experience cancels out yours? As hard as you might try you won’t be able to control other peoples lives.

PS wealth envy is not a good look.


ZA44 t1_j9wqata wrote

But that’s incorrect. Over 20 million were Chinese, which had no direct conflict with the Nazis but instead fought the Japanese (and had their own brutal civil war). In a weird twist of history a Nazi party member named John Rabe helped save 250,000 civilians in China during the Japanese rape of Nanking. It would be more accurate to say that the total 70 million dead were due to Axis aggression, not just the Nazis.


ZA44 t1_j8w7fdw wrote

> City correction officers, who are largely barred from cooperating with federal immigration officials, on at least several occasions in recent years went above and beyond to coordinate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in the deportation of incarcerated immigrants, according to a trove of emails unveiled during a City Council hearing on Wednesday.

I don’t get the outrage, if you commit a crime and your immigration status is dodgy then you should be deported. Also, a ICE detention center is probably better than Rikers.


ZA44 t1_j6a8js7 wrote

Yeah I don’t think you’re very smart, look at how you spell. The George Floyd protests (and the riots) were a perfect storm of lockdown anxiety, warm weather and a heinous police brutality video being released. You have nothing to protest because the cops are being held accountable for their crimes.