ZebraRaptor OP t1_j9ygdc5 wrote
Reply to comment by Golightly314 in What’s the deal with Woodbury schools? How is this even possible? by ZebraRaptor
Haven’t seen any news articles on it, however have them check their emails. I’ve heard the superintendent sent out an email.
ZebraRaptor OP t1_j9whg7a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What’s the deal with Woodbury schools? How is this even possible? by ZebraRaptor
I don’t know if this is true or not. But I heard about it on the radio and it seems really sketchy if it’s true. I’m just curious if anyone else had heard about it.
ZebraRaptor OP t1_j9wghvo wrote
Reply to comment by SnooBunnies7461 in What’s the deal with Woodbury schools? How is this even possible? by ZebraRaptor
Yeah, but police would have been notified and the resident trooper hadn’t gotten any reports from the school when he was asked about it. Now, who knows how many knew anything about it. But I’m sure there’s rumors around the school.
ZebraRaptor OP t1_j9wgabu wrote
Reply to comment by Used_Tuna in What’s the deal with Woodbury schools? How is this even possible? by ZebraRaptor
I’m going to try and re-listen to the radio broadcast when I have some time. I guess someone FOIAd records for a construction project and they released a bunch of documents and he was stunned what he found buried in there.
ZebraRaptor OP t1_j9upy2e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What’s the deal with Woodbury schools? How is this even possible? by ZebraRaptor
Yeah, if this is true this seriously needs to be public knowledge. Students are at risk if these people are allowed to continue as is.
ZebraRaptor OP t1_j9up2w4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What’s the deal with Woodbury schools? How is this even possible? by ZebraRaptor
It was on the radio, discovered during a FOIA request for construction projects. Can’t seem to find any news articles. They said police were notified by the people who found the reports, however they had not yet heard anything from the school themselves. Let me do some more digging.
ZebraRaptor t1_j921mjf wrote
Reply to comment by DeskFan203 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Yup! You’ll never catch me with one on my car! I’ll never leave my firearm in my car anyway, but I don’t need a broken window. And good point about them targeting homes that have vehicles parked with stickers on them like that!
My opinion is that the whole “conceal carry” is literally that, concealed. I don’t need the whole world to know and put a target on my back or my home or my car.
ZebraRaptor t1_j9218lb wrote
Reply to comment by AhbabaOooMaoMao in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
You can only keep your guns so secure. Short of anchoring a safe into concrete it wouldn’t be that difficult for a determined criminal to get into a safe. Or just take the safe with them. Ever seen the videos of thieves stealing atms?
Clearly your mind will never change but you’re advocating for a very dangerous idea and I urge you greatly to reconsider.
Why would the average citizen need to care what house has guns? Just to be nosy? Like I said, police and government already know which people have registered firearms. There is zero reason for a database for the public. If you can give me one solid argument as to why they should have access, please do.
ZebraRaptor t1_j91n22d wrote
Reply to comment by AhbabaOooMaoMao in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Either there has been some miscommunication that I’m missing or you’re lashing out for unknown reasons. I don’t know how more succinctly I can state it.
If a criminal who is targeting home owners who have guns they can steal can go to a website like the SOR but instead it shows addresses and names of people who own guns, don’t you think that’s the people who will be using it? Isn’t that putting those home owners in danger? What if they break in when the owner isn’t home and steal the guns. Then that gun is used in a crime. Is that website complicit because it helped the criminal complete the criminal act?
The relevant authorities already have the info. There is not a single good reason as to why there should be a publicly accessible database that shows who owns guns.
ZebraRaptor t1_j91lllq wrote
Reply to comment by AhbabaOooMaoMao in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
The commenter above me stated it perfectly. It incentivizes criminals to target houses that are listed as “gun owners”. The privacy itself is not in the 2nd amendment, but common sense should come into play. Imagine if everybody who bought a TV for over 2k had to be put on a map?
I personally dislike when gun owners put “CCW” or other gun stickers on their vehicles, and would certainly never put one on mine because a thief will see it and think there is a reasonable chance there is a gun in the car and break in. This happens. Adding a map like the SOR would be just government complicity in the crimes.
ZebraRaptor t1_j91hala wrote
Reply to comment by Motor_Finding_2647 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Exactly. And not only a perfectly legal thing, but a constitutionally protected right.
ZebraRaptor t1_j91h59o wrote
Reply to comment by Environmental_Log344 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Preface: I’m asking out of interest, not malice.
Why would you want guns impossible to purchase? (Legally of course). All of the other guns won’t magically disappear with the complete stoppage of all gun sales. Regardless of your personal opinions on guns, are there any other constitutional rights you think should be done away with?
ZebraRaptor t1_j91gfrz wrote
Reply to comment by 1234nameuser in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Nearly have to be with the insanely expensive process to get your permit in this state. I have no problem with paperwork and background checks, safety class, and fingerprints, but between the cost of all of them it ends up being more than some guns themselves! Really hurts the not so well off and keeps them from being able to exercise their constitutional right.
ZebraRaptor t1_j6bjrbs wrote
Reply to comment by Lilcoqui17 in Unity Rally, will start with a mutual aid stand for those that need food and then march. Some Protesters will be legally armed and medics will be on site. Please meet with security if you have a health condition upon arrival, wear sneakers and layers. by Lilcoqui17
You’re ridiculous and going to get someone killed. The threat you made against west Hartford today was sickening. You have nothing but hate in your heart.
ZebraRaptor t1_j69l4d1 wrote
Reply to comment by rosey0926 in Stolen vehicle by rosey0926
Ugh not fun. Accidents suck, I just had one a couple weeks ago and even though I wasn’t at fault it’s still so stressful. But cars can be replaced, people can’t! So that’s the best thing. But keep an eye on yourself and get checked out if you start noticing any soreness, sometimes it can take a few days for the pain to set in.
ZebraRaptor t1_j69f1nm wrote
Reply to comment by rosey0926 in Stolen vehicle by rosey0926
Yikes hopefully you’re alright!
ZebraRaptor t1_j69ezsu wrote
Reply to comment by rosey0926 in Stolen vehicle by rosey0926
Gotcha thanks
ZebraRaptor t1_j69dv0a wrote
Reply to Stolen vehicle by rosey0926
Any idea on damage that might be on the vehicle? Drivers side, pass side? What color were the two cars that were hit? Might have had paint transfer
ZebraRaptor t1_ixfz24q wrote
Reply to comment by Holl0wayTape in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
I get what you’re saying now. I agree, taking a life is awful no matter what, and any human with any morals would struggle likely for the rest of their life with that. But at the end of the day, when it comes down to you and your family or the life of someone who is actively trying to take yours, you’re going to choose you and your family 100% of the time.
A good quote I once heard from someone who had to kill in self defense “I don’t regret that I did what I had to do, I regret that he put me into the situation where I had to take his life”.
ZebraRaptor t1_ixexe5v wrote
Reply to comment by B00ZE_TAN in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
I see where you’re coming from, but using a fire arm in self defense is not always involving the firearm being discharged. Most of the time just as soon as the defender brandishes the firearm it’s enough to scare off the predator/robber/assaulter/road rager etc.
So that’s where we struggle with the numbers. They were over several years able to pull data that could be backed up by media and police, but if the guy ran off, sometimes someone may not report it. Also pretty sure the self defense claims can be of livestock so if a mountain lion was threatening you or your livestock it’s also part of self defense using a firearm.
Never hurts to click an article, they often provide the context necessary to make judgement.
ZebraRaptor t1_ixe8mg1 wrote
Reply to comment by B00ZE_TAN in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Found the guy who didn’t even click on the article. One, it spans over several years, not every year had the same amount, and two, many cases go unreported. They only show cases that were verifiable through media or police reports.
ZebraRaptor t1_ixe7wv3 wrote
Reply to comment by Holl0wayTape in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Not true. A firearm is used to stop the threat (when not talking about sport, hunting, or collecting). Does stopping the threat sometimes result in death? Absolutely. But it’s not “shoot to kill”. It’s “shoot to stop the threat”.
It’s an important distinction because even in a totally justified self defense scenario, if it’s found out you shot someone twice, and they surrendered, but then you decided to shoot more and it resulted in their death, you would be charged.
ZebraRaptor t1_ixe6zb9 wrote
Reply to comment by B00ZE_TAN in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
That’s because they are stopped before they can become mass shootings…
Anywhere between 500k-3 million times a year guns are used in self defense. That’s a hell of a lot less victims.
Source: https://datavisualizations.heritage.org/firearms/defensive-gun-uses-in-the-us/
ZebraRaptor t1_isu0jw6 wrote
Reply to comment by stlouisbrowns in 10-year-old boy attacked by black bear at grandparent's Connecticut home by IndicationOver
To you as well! And happy cake day!
ZebraRaptor OP t1_j9yj3xr wrote
Reply to comment by Golightly314 in What’s the deal with Woodbury schools? How is this even possible? by ZebraRaptor
Very interesting. I don’t see why a teacher having alcohol in their car is an issue anyways unless it’s like sitting in obvious view and they’re going out during planning periods and taking shots.
I genuinely hope that’s just the case.