
ace_account456 t1_itq4yuv wrote

This is going to be an ableist shitshow. Oz has no real positions other than the bizzare obsession with fetterman's recovery, so I predict he's just going to try to catch fetterman stuttering on live TV and use it against him. I understand why fetterman had to agree to it, but I don't think this debate will benefit anyone. Every sane Pennsylvanian already knows fetterman is the far better candidate. The nutjobs aren't changing their minds.


ace_account456 t1_iren5z0 wrote

There are probably multiple factors at fault here, but it is a huge problem. I don't feel safe doing any less than 60, even in the right lane because I will always get passed by crazy people going 75+ who don't know what a turn signal is, swerving all over the road. Sometimes I wonder if the road would benefit from raising the speed limit to 65 in certain areas, but then cracking down hard on speeding with automated enforcement like they have in Europe. Between Churchill and Monroeville, the curves are absolutely banked hard enough for 65. Really, the only spot outside of city limits where that would be dangerous is the curve headed inbound right after the Churchill on ramp. If you go through that at 65 in the rain, especially on a top heavy vehicle, there could be problems.


ace_account456 t1_ir0p2nl wrote

If you're into bikes:

Free Ride and Trail Pittsburgh. The former recycles bikes headed for the landfill into low-cost fixer uppers. The latter maintains the trails in Frick Park. Also critical mass is the most fun you'll ever have doing activism. It's just riding bikes around the city in a large group to get better infrastructure.