
andrevvm t1_j699795 wrote

AI is one method to try and counteract fake news, blockchain technology could be another. Especially as deepfakes and such become more prevalent and convincing, we will need a method to prove things like location, time and source of recorded material. While not conceivably in reach at the moment, the immutable nature of blockchain storage could in theory provide this record of origin.


andrevvm t1_j5b8moy wrote

You keep arguing against a no-ownership position when I clearly said that’s not what I’m talking about.

Our concept of ownership is verrry different from the native Americans’ just a few hundred years ago. The concept will shift and evolve as society shifts and evolves, and it would be nice to see it go in a more collective direction rather than the atomized path we’ve gone down. That’s ALL I’m saying. Take a deep breath and enjoy your Saturday!


andrevvm t1_j57wmlh wrote

A lot of those natural behaviors have been exploited and intensified, because yeah it makes a ton of money. But yeah as animals we do need our personal territories and smaller immediate units. That won’t go away any time soon.

We can’t even guess what dynamics a future society will have, esp as the social landscape shifts rapidly with technology advancement. The conformist society of the 50s would have their minds blown by our hyper individualist society, a short 7 decades later. That shift was driven entirely by capitalism, as manufacturers gained the production capabilities to enable it. So what motivating factor will drive society next? Anyone’s guess really


andrevvm t1_j57mg20 wrote

A specific example could be cars. Nobody really needs to own one, they sit unused the majority of the time. The individualist/identity market has further commodified them unnecessarily.

Communal access to them has been tricky logistically, and currently somebody does need to own them to prevent chaos. However, AI and trustless networks could solve a lot of those menial and inefficient tasks. A public transportation network, that has trustless incentives to maintain and operate would be really cool to see I think. Feasibility, yeah, not so sure… requires a large behavioral shift as well.

Ownership and money are closely tied. Reducing ownership could lessen the power of money (but not obsolete), easing divisive political discourse, resulting in a less divided population, who are more inclined to work together as a whole to keep the wheels turning. Daydreaming here, but we don’t know what future societies look like.


andrevvm t1_j55jpnk wrote

I see this quote thrown around a lot like it’s the worst thing. Sounds like Buddhism, and as long as people are happy, what’s the harm?

To be fair, over-production, rampant consumerism and unchecked capitalism have been major contributors to this shitstorm we’ve brewed up for ourselves. Individual accumulation and the concept of ownership needs to be questioned if we want to sustain on this planet.

Sorry for the rant, not assuming your stance based on your comment, but this quote always make me take pause.