
anung_un_rana t1_j5ysinn wrote

Reply to comment by zaada_ in Large Dog Rentals by zaada_

I’ve seen someone train a medium size pit sit a backpack with it’s head poking out so it could ride on the subway. Just tell the landlords he is small enough to fit in a backpack.


anung_un_rana t1_iy44m4s wrote

Oh I wasn’t suggesting he is saving money through the donation, rather that it is a means to ‘put a good face’ on the charity.

I am by no means an expert in charities or wealth preservation, but the charity he was reported as having set up a week or two ago is a common tactic used by billionaires to shirk income and capital gains taxes. Zuckerberg and Bill Gates did the same thing with each of their charities. Each of them donates significant sums, which is certainly a good thing, but these tax loopholes are a net negative for the economy and society in general.


anung_un_rana t1_isn0d2b wrote

Yooooo, when I made that edit it was at -7 or so. Now it's up (down?) to -81. This is hilarious; ask for downvotes and ye shall receive.

I think I meant to reply to a different comment that made more contextual sense but made a mistake. I'm glad someone got it though!
