asteroid_b_612 t1_jc2yyku wrote
Reply to Must-Visit Restaurants In Providence? by darkanon_
Apsara is some good cheap Asian food. They have a very wide variety of choices. 2 locations. Both have been fine to me but I know some people say the public st. Location is where it’s at vs the hope st location. It says it’s Cambodian on google but it’s more pan-south East Asian I would say
asteroid_b_612 t1_j9q5hjo wrote
Reply to comment by fishythepete in City approves 5-story College Hill apartments despite complaints about noisy students by cowperthwaite
Why are they prioritizing approving buildings like this when they hem and haw over any affordable housing?
asteroid_b_612 t1_j9q2by7 wrote
Reply to City approves 5-story College Hill apartments despite complaints about noisy students by cowperthwaite
We don’t need more expensive ass apartments catering to rich students who come from out of town. We NEED AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR ACTUAL FULL TIME RESIDENTS OF PROVIDENCE!!!! Brown and every other university has been buying up whatever parcels of land they can to build more dorms and college buildings.
Residents should have priority over 4year visitors but who the fuck cares when the college students have way more money to blow.
asteroid_b_612 t1_j90bmvl wrote
Well he could’ve just not told his friend if it was that bad.
Why did you want him to tell his friend? Were you super adamant about it and pressuring him even after he said “no I don’t want to tell the story”? Or did he not object to it until afterwards?
If I were him and I really didn’t want to tell the friend I would’ve just made up another story and then glared daggers at you so you would understand to just leave it at that
asteroid_b_612 OP t1_j5lmmf8 wrote
Reply to comment by leavingthecold in Best Banh mi sandwiches in Providence? by asteroid_b_612
Yea they mostly had ramen but they also had some other pan-Asian items on the menu and I thought how hard could it be to fuck up banh mi? They “Asian fusioned” the dish with a bit too much fusion I guess
asteroid_b_612 OP t1_j5kys83 wrote
Reply to comment by HeWhoIsNotMe in Best Banh mi sandwiches in Providence? by asteroid_b_612
CAn be made with whatever meat. I’ve usually seen pork in the USA but chicken liver is common in vietnam
asteroid_b_612 OP t1_j5ky78m wrote
Reply to comment by kuest00s in Best Banh mi sandwiches in Providence? by asteroid_b_612
Their banh mi is great but I stopped seeing the food truck around covid and forgot about it the past year or two. Are they still operating now?
asteroid_b_612 OP t1_j5krxvf wrote
Reply to comment by lavendergrowing101 in Best Banh mi sandwiches in Providence? by asteroid_b_612
I just realized after other comments that the name of the business is literally “Asian bakery” haha thank you
asteroid_b_612 OP t1_j5kp2tr wrote
Reply to comment by lavendergrowing101 in Best Banh mi sandwiches in Providence? by asteroid_b_612
Im at toritomo right now and got a pork belly banh mi and very disappointed. Doesn’t taste anything like any other normal banh mi sandwich I’ve had. They’ve put too much of their flavor on this banh mi and not enough traditional banh mi flavor. Literally ate one bite and stopped.
asteroid_b_612 t1_iyiu1g7 wrote
Reply to comment by allhailthehale in Any good soul food spots or good food in general in Providence? Are there any low-cost activities that you recommend as well? by lovesocialmedia
My coworker swears by this place for soul food.
asteroid_b_612 t1_iyew30a wrote
Reply to coffee shop recs? by Therese250
Ceremony off of thayer st. I think it’s technically on brook or Euclid
asteroid_b_612 t1_iyaw7kz wrote
Reply to comment by noungning in Could I get feedback on the banks in the area? by easynslutty
You can get 3% apy with a free capital 1 savings account. No minimum.
asteroid_b_612 t1_ivzynil wrote
Reply to comment by AbigailFlippinfloppn in Chicken Parmesan by FriarCeltEDubs
It’s a requirement that restaurant owners are dicks.
asteroid_b_612 t1_jc32m8k wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Milk and Bread Hysteria by RhodyViaWIClamDigger
Every single “storm warning” the past few years has not been anywhere as bad as they make it out to be