
bulboustadpole t1_je8i6h9 wrote

Non-potable water must be marked no matter how ridiculous the situation. Drive by some construction sites you'll usually see a tanker truck with a giant "non potable water" sign on it even though nobody is going to drink from it.


bulboustadpole t1_ja70n6w wrote

I would love to see some numbers on how many rabies vaccines are administered in the US. My guess is not as much as you would think.

Also this misses the point.

>The chances that bat doesn't have rabies are not good. You REALLY need to get the bat tested and potentially begin the rabies vaccine regimen.

And you know this how? What evidence were you able to gather from a photo of a bat that makes you think it likely has rabies?

An informed person would likely go to get a rabies vaccine but your average person may not. By your logic every person who is near a bat or touched one needs to get immediate vaccinations yet most people do not and the deaths don't match up.

Unless you are actually bitten by an animal such as a bat or another animal that's known to carry rabies you really don't need to get the series of vaccines.

India has higher amounts of rabies and deaths because they don't vaccinate their dogs. Nearly all rabies cases in India are from dogs.


bulboustadpole t1_ja6s8my wrote

Unless you've been bitten by an animal known to carry rabies there's no need. The fear mongering around rabies is absolutely insane.

The US is one of the largest countries in the world and often the rabies vaccine isn't covered by health plans.

You know how many people die per year in the US due to rabies?

3-5 people. You're literally more likely to be killed by lightning or win the mega millions jackpot than die to rabies.


bulboustadpole t1_ja6rhkw wrote

That's pure fear-mongering.

Rabies cases in humans are extremely rare and only about 3-5 people a year in the United States die of it. The "didn't realize they were bit" is also bullshit and there are no cases I can find of it happening.

If unnoticed bites transmitting rabies was common, there would be more than 3-5 deaths a year in a country of 330,000,000 people.


bulboustadpole t1_ja6r7rl wrote

> A tiny, sometimes unnoticeable bite can transmit rabies.

This is very much a myth and there's been little to no cases of this actually happening. If this was true there would be more than 3-5 deaths a year in a country of 330,000,000.

Rabies is literally one of the rarest and most uncommon diseases in the United States in humans.


bulboustadpole t1_ja6r3f6 wrote

>Yes and no. Deaths in the US are exceedingly rare, but it's only because of how seriously we take rabies here.

Well no this is not why. How many people do you think actually go and get the whole series of vaccines? Very little, and yet are under 10 deaths per year.


bulboustadpole t1_j9svtho wrote

Just so people know most of these types of pics are not an actual single photo. They usually take a long exposure of the sky alone and then merge that into the pic of the background. This is because doing long exposures on stars in the sky will absolutely blow out anything that isn't the sky such as trees or in this case the canyon walls.


bulboustadpole t1_j26i7kk wrote

>I'm quite confident Starship will launch next year or at least in 2024.

And I'm confident we'll be on mars come 2025

And I'm confident Tesla's will be used as robotaxis in 2020.

And I'm confident the CyberTruck will roll off the line in 2021.

And I'm confident that hyperloop is the future and not a scam shell corporation

I'm confident about a lot of things.


bulboustadpole t1_j25oj75 wrote

No idea, but it seems to be around $100 a month. Considering Elon said starlink would need to use starship to not go bankrupt, I have no idea how this company will survive. Next you get into the issue with scaling this which is the biggest hurdle. To get more revenue you need more subscribers. More subscribers means you will need to launch more satellites. This gets you into basically a feedback loop. They've probably burned through billions so far and I can't see any viable way of recouping that loss in the future.
