
chaosgirl93 t1_jed8y9n wrote

I feel like a premise like this could be turned into such a wholesome adoption story with adopted daughters of lesbian couples being eligible through some weird warp magic about chosen family/that whole blood of the covenant thing.


chaosgirl93 t1_jacqkh1 wrote

Ooh, blaming WWII for the Cold War. That's a new one.

I mean you're not wrong, I don't disagree, but it is a new one. And that's coming from the lady that blames the Cold War partially on the Great Schism, or more accurately on forces and fears that originated in the Great Schism's East/West conflict.


chaosgirl93 t1_j5ygs6v wrote


chaosgirl93 t1_j2cdpu1 wrote

Indeed. Confusing them can be fun but it's not useful, much better is to explain socialist ideas without the big scary words from the Cold War and get them to see how they're being screwed. Most of the time you're not dealing with an actual capitalist or a rank-and-file fascist, you're dealing with a good, decent working-class person who is brainwashed and getting screwed over, and it does no good to confuse them or try to debate circles around them when you might be able to get them to see through the programming if you avoid the words they've been programmed to hate.


chaosgirl93 t1_j2ccj7r wrote

Well, hasn't been too long since the Cold War and a lot of the Anglosphere still mindlessly hates socialism because of the Red Scare.

Especially pointing out that capitalists do the same things to socialists that fascists do to their scapegoats. People really get upset when you compare capitalism to fascism, or imply that fascism is capitalism in decay.


chaosgirl93 t1_j2carti wrote

>that a worker's state is somehow simultaneously so dangerous as to warrant an undercover visit from a three-letter-agency and so pathetic that they don't have food, clothes or bullets

This is the "contradiction of the enemy" that fascists are known for - claiming that the enemy is both weak and strong. And capitalists have been doing it to socialists ever since socialism has existed as a codified economic system.