
citrus_mystic OP t1_j3swjgy wrote

No strobe lights.

“The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulates that a drone flown between sunset and sunrise must be equipped with anti-collision lighting. These lights must have a strobe function that strobes between 40 - 100 cycles/minute.”


citrus_mystic t1_j0cdq82 wrote

Or you can be kind and right and avoid being a dick entirely. It’s really not difficult. You’re fixation on being ‘right’ is entirely subjective in regards to a matter of personal preference, and you’re clinging to that argument in order to justify being rude.

I’m going to leave this discussion now. If you feel motivated to further try to argue why you feel inclined or justified in being unkind, go right ahead, but I’m not going to continue to engage.


citrus_mystic t1_izev3fr wrote

Reply to comment by anatomicallycorrect- in RI drivers by [deleted]

You’re definitely right but at the same time you also have to wonder: “if they hit me…” 1) and their car is drivable, will they pull over/stop? 2) Do they have car insurance? 3) Could I get hurt?

I’ve already been rear ended in a hit and run once (I was extremely lucky to only end up with some scratches on my bumper— it happened on an exit ramp). So I’m going to try to avoid the risk, especially in the high speed lane, if I can safely move over 1 lane and let the jackasses just go past me to go off and ride someone else’s bumper.


citrus_mystic t1_iz5sotd wrote

Reply to comment by Uncle_Tony96 in RI drivers by [deleted]


My most recent gripe is people who ride my ass for leaving safe breaking distance in relation to the cars in front of me, regardless of the fact that I’m maintaining the same speed as the cars ahead are traveling at. Bonus points if they decide to go around and get in front of me, only to join the cars up ahead who aren’t going any faster.

Also had a jackass driving 80+ mph around the Thurbers Ave curve who decided to go around me because he didn’t think my speeding at 70+ mph in the fast lane (while trying to be mindful of the approaching curve with a blind corner) was good enough. He almost caused an accident to weave through the other lanes of traffic and cut me off while I had just been maintaining my speed but had to break and maneuver to avoid him hitting me. I got upset and gave him the finger… the fucker decided to break check me. When I changed lanes to get away from him, he cut me off (nearly hitting another car again) to try to break check me, again, before returning to the high speed lane. Fucking psychopath. Dude didn’t even give me the opportunity to move over and I was actively passing cars; it wasn’t like I was driving slowly in the high speed lane.


citrus_mystic t1_iyu816n wrote

Side story- my partner is a massage therapist who worked at Bodhi for a while. One day 2 dudes (who were both there separately, with their partners) nearly got into a fist fight in the water journey during an argument... How they managed to get so upset in a literal spa filled with chill vibes is absolutely beyond me, but I still think about it from time to time and have a little chuckle.


citrus_mystic t1_iynf60l wrote

I find that a lot of folks sitting and eating at the bar of a restaurant tend to be pretty open to conversation. However, whether or not they’re people around your age whom you would want to get to know and hang out with in the future is a total crapshoot. I’d honestly recommend just going to a restaurant you’re interested in that has a bar and just go from there. With good meals around you, you’ll always have something to start a conversation or fall back on.

I’m not drawn to Atwells Ave, so I don’t really have many recommendations for Fed Hill. I’ve heard Providence Oyster Bar is good if it’s still there, and I believe there’s a Harry’s Burger Bar if I’m remembering correctly. However, for other areas of the city… If you want something sort of reasonably priced there’s: Salted Slate, Pasta Beach, Diego’s, Avenue N, Y Noodle, LaMei Hot Pot, Black Sheep, Julian’s (for an early night, I think they close at 8 lol). If you’re feeling bougie and don’t mind the prices there’s: Hemenways, Parkside, Al Forno, Oberlin, Gracie’s, Cafe Nuovo (higher priced places will lean towards older crowds generally, though).

The East End and The Point Tavern are both bars but they have kitchens and generally chill vibes which make for starting convos with folks and meeting people pretty easy there. AS220 can be good for that too, especially if they have a little event going on besides music and you can actually hear people talking.

(Edit- wording and format)


citrus_mystic t1_ixuxzx5 wrote

I work in that area and park on Tockwotton a lot (that side road near the hurricane barrier). There is glass all over the sidewalks on that street because someone (or several people) break windows to get into people’s cars constantly. My coworker drives an Audi SUV and had her window smashed over the summer.

There was a week or so during the summer where they had a cop parked over there every night to try to cut back on these break ins. It stopped for maybe 3 weeks and then started up again.

I think the only reason I haven’t also had my window smashed, is because my car looks like shit lol.

With the cost of replacing a window and whatever they might steal from you, it’s honestly worth shelling out the $20 to park in that lot over there. I’ve never seen any of the cars in the pay-to-park lots have their windows smashed. They’re only going for cars parked on the street.


citrus_mystic t1_ixh7tns wrote

I used to live around the armory. My car and my friends cars were broken into pretty regularly. Someone broke the lock to the shed attached to the house I was living at and stole a snow blower. I was sitting on my stoop at night when a guy walked passed, then 2 other guys came up behind him and mugged him.

Be vigilant. Get cameras if it makes you feel more secure. Be mindful of your surroundings.


citrus_mystic t1_iwdowro wrote

Sounds like Moon Hooch but they’re not local

(Edit- someone in the comments of the original post said it was one of the guys from Moon Hooch, but he’s probably just visiting some buddies)