
clorox2 t1_ivtgxk3 wrote

You’re missing my point. What kind of society do you think we should be? Do you think everyone should have a gun, even teachers? Then vote Republican. Are you concerned about the environment? Then vote Democrat. Stop and frisk? Abortion? Sure politicians are a bunch of self-serving fuckheads. They have to be. It takes that type of personality to get elected. But it does matter who you vote for when you look at the issues.


clorox2 t1_ivrsxqw wrote

You know what? You’re right. Absolutely right. All Asians live in Queens. There are no other races allowed there. Only Asians. Clearly Asians now hate democrats. You’re not trying to polish the turd of a campaign Lee Zeldin ran by pretending he won over the hearts and minds of an entire racial group at all based on a red section of a map. No sir. You’re right. Asians love Republicans now. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


clorox2 t1_it5ryyj wrote