
t1_je7hi1t wrote

You might shop around every year and switch frequently but as someone working from the inside insurance carriers will see that and charge you more for it. Also, a REAL pro tip: raise your coverages to the highest limited for 30-60 days prior to being quoted and you’ll get a better deal. Same if you pay in full or two pay. Haven’t the lowest coverages and then trying to be quoted actually gets you worse deals. Insurance companies get you going and coming. Lol.


t1_j4psrwz wrote

It’s not just you. It’s everywhere and I too hate it. I try to avoid driving at night but that’s impossible this time of year. I think people need to be responsible and check the brightness of their lights. I’ve found shifting my rear view mirror so it reflects back at the person behind me has been helpful. One person tried to lower their lights and only turned it off. It was at that moment I think they realized how bright their normal lights were. It wasn’t even their high beams. But short of holding a mirror to flash oncoming traffic, there’s nothing to do but hope you don’t crash. Maybe once enough people die from it then something legislative will happen. Since that seems to be how the government works.


t1_j2nhl7j wrote

Probably. I mean, it’s all perspective. This area definitely makes people materialistic and encourages having “things” and “education” plus inflation and cost of living equals “you need to make more money” unfortunately. If you want to be more simple and content, I’ve seen plenty of people live comfortably on less. But it’s all what you want out of life tbh.


t1_ithfmty wrote

Be prepared for it to be expensive. I used to travel within my home state and don’t bother anymore. Especially if I want it to be nice that is. $200-600 a night at any good place, depending on the season. Plus traffic and crowds everywhere. Crime has gone up a lot too. Not saying don’t do it, just be aware!