
freckledtabby t1_j4ynfuw wrote

It is very difficult for so many people on fixed incomes. The state is finally beginning to talk about it. Today I read the perfect phrase for the situation "Rent Gouging".

Most the west coast is experiencing a housing shoratage. But common, man! $1500 for a 500 SQFT, one bedroom 2 hours outside of Seattle, landlords insisting your total monthly gross income is three times your rent? People make $4500/mth can't afford homes, now they are stuck in a tiny mold ridden apartment. It is very frustrating and a major factor to our increasing homeless situation.

A few Tenant Unions are forming. No one has the guts to vote in rent control. It works on the East coast and it is overdue on the West.


freckledtabby t1_j2khf68 wrote

I agree. Would you say for an American middle-class lifestyle a family of 4 in any Western Washington metro area should make $150-250 a year to have the same lifestyle the middle class enjoyed in the early '80s---yearly vacations, sending kids to college, house with bedrooms for everyone, etc.?


freckledtabby t1_itssq60 wrote

The only PNW spooky podcast I know of is The Black Tapes.
dudes... the best true-life podcast is The Last Podcast on the Left. If you like investigative stories, humor with your horror, and learning something new. I listen on youtube.

"Last Podcast on the Left barrels headlong into all things horror — as hosts Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks, and Henry Zebrowski cover dark subjects spanning Jeffrey Dahmer, werewolves, Jonestown, iconic hauntings, the history of war crimes, and more. Whether it's cults, killers, or cryptid encounters, Last Podcast on the Left laughs into the abyss that is the dark side of humanity."