
currentlyhigh t1_j7c7der wrote

>The employer said “you quite, so your done”

Employer should have said "you blatantly committed assault and/or battery on one of my employees, so you're done"

I wouldn't want to work in a kitchen around knives and ovens with a coworker who has the self-control of a 1st grader and throws objects at people when he has a tantrum.


currentlyhigh t1_j6g79zw wrote

I agree that our 2 party system absolutely sucks. I think that the difference between the DNC and the GOP is so insignificant that it isn't even worth talking about.

But I strongly disagree that The Party for Socialism and Liberation the answer. Far-left authoritarian communism is never the answer and to say that it is "demonstrably better" is demonstrably false.


currentlyhigh t1_j6e11gq wrote


currentlyhigh t1_ixw9tgn wrote

>they would leave a well-documented paper trail?

No but there would be more verified reports of people getting forced across the country against their will. I'm not omniscient so if you can provide examples of that happening I'm happy to look into it further.


currentlyhigh t1_ixw5odx wrote

>Texas lied to them about the places they were going and the opportunities that were awaiting them

This claim gets thrown around a lot and I've looked into it but the evidence is very light. Almost 10,000 immigrants and asylum seekers have been bussed to the east coast in the last few months so if there was a widespread government conspiracy to trick them into moving without consent then it would be very well-documented at this point.

Most of the claims simply involve confusion about where the bus would stop and where they would be allowed to disembark. Other people claim that "someone with a badge" in TX told them there would be another bus waiting in DC but details tend to be vague.
