fprintf OP t1_iy7zbof wrote
I didn't know Range Rovers could go that fast. Surely not a great idea in any car but especially in an SUV.
So unlike in GTA, when you get a 5 star rating you cannot just duck into a garage and evade the police.
Submitted by fprintf t3_z7t638 in Connecticut
fprintf t1_ixcd6c1 wrote
Reply to comment by Gefilte_Fish in Helicopter to NYC? by shoeshouuu
Yep, at least that one company is done providing this service. Kind of too bad but maybe there are others still in operation.
fprintf t1_ixcbhk0 wrote
Reply to Apologies for yet another thread on the new electricity rates coming our way, but for anyone who has yet to switch away from Eversource, I just did it and it took all of two minutes and will save my wife and I tons of money by mikemikemikeandike
As most are learning, this is to switch to a different energy supplier only, it will not change who delivers electricity to your house. You will still pay Eversource or UI on your normal monthly electric bill.
Constellation is currently by far the best offer out there with no application or early termination fees. You can see all of the other suppliers out there by going to the following website for Eversource (there is another similar one for UI): https://energizect.com/rate-board/compare-energy-supplier-rates?customerClass=1201&monthlyUsage=750&planTypeEdc=1191
This is for residential Eversource rates. To get UI or other types of rates you go to the left hand side of the page I linked and choose a different supplier rate.
fprintf t1_ixcb47p wrote
Reply to comment by mikemikemikeandike in Apologies for yet another thread on the new electricity rates coming our way, but for anyone who has yet to switch away from Eversource, I just did it and it took all of two minutes and will save my wife and I tons of money by mikemikemikeandike
But you will see from all these responses that most people really don't know that delivery and supply are separate. So while you know, clearly most Eversource customers don't know and indeed your thread title says nothing about switching suppliers.
fprintf t1_iwh5lu2 wrote
Reply to comment by Last-Instruction739 in Any burger restaurant in CT that mimics “in and out burger?” ( the west coast chain? by Used-Examination1439
Not even close. Every plan b burger I’ve had has been undercooked or way overdone and the serving of fries is so minuscule. But this thread proves there is something for everyone’s taste and budget!
fprintf t1_ivmyu19 wrote
Reply to comment by conviper30 in Anyone else get political spam messages like this by Zerox19a
And this is why I sucked at sales and only lasted a year (this was over 30 years ago). I had empathy for the people not wanting to be called upon and bothered. So I didn't bother them and didn't make any sales...
fprintf t1_iujuxcl wrote
Reply to comment by ryanisleet in And What is the Deal with CT Drivers SPEEDING UP as you go around them...? by SnooPeripherals5518
Exactly. I think a lot of it comes down to inattention or lazy, bored or sleepy driving. Then when they realize they are going the speed limit and intended to be doing 70+ they speed up, right at the time you are driving past because you trying to pass is what woke them up.
fprintf t1_iuiu4d5 wrote
Reply to comment by LaxHnl in Mystic, CT listed as one of the prettiest winter towns in America by IndicationOver
Very true, all delineated by the Mystic river. We were just looking at a house in Mystic but the address and town hall are in Stonington. We looked at another house and it was in Groton.
fprintf t1_iug1c5i wrote
And house prices that make them completely unobtainable. Mystic is nice for a visit but everyone but the wealthy is going to be in Pawcatuck, Groton or Westerly and just visiting Mystic.
fprintf t1_it8rlwu wrote
Reply to comment by Nintom64 in Active Shooter Reported at Multiple Locations by teabaggedyourdrumset
Can you imagine if all the truckers organized a mass funeral work stoppage every time a truck driver got killed on the job? Happens every day, unfortunately, and is a risk of the job and often not the truck driver's fault.
Submitted by fprintf t3_xxxmvm in Connecticut
fprintf OP t1_iy9rbdo wrote
Reply to comment by noseboy1 in Range Rover driver clocked at 132 mph on Rte 2. State police catch up with him. by fprintf
If his insurance and driving license were all up to date, and no outstanding warrants, probation and all that then it is likely he would be let go or at the very least the car would be towed/impounded and released.
I believe this can sometimes happen based on my experience as a college kid when my father was pulled over for really excessive speed in his Acura on 84 in Manchester in the HOV lane, well in excess of a misdemeanor level @ 120mph or so. It was fun as hell trip home from college until we got pulled over. As soon as Dad saw the cop he slowed down and pulled over. The cop was spitting mad but let us go on a promise to appear in court. Eventually in court with a traffic lawyer it got brought down to a points level speeding ticket w/o reckless driving or any other charges. Of course we weren't DWB, so things may differ based on your skin color.