
fuckmelikeawh0re t1_j21twbx wrote

Guess we know who has this weeks Acrisure company tickets.... Heinz Field**

Joking aside I never took in a breast pump without a kid but in my experience anything child/medical related is an instant wave through.


fuckmelikeawh0re t1_iudblsl wrote

They're ridiculous with their sales pitch, it's beyond awkward. Let me guess, they guy just bought a new house and out of curiosity he had window world and Anderson come out to give him quotes on it? Oh and you know he called his manager who just so happened to have the exact number of windows you want for the lowest price the salesman has seen in months...

If you do cancel you'll get the same or better offers from the territory manager within a week or so.


fuckmelikeawh0re t1_itzbd9c wrote

Have you driven the section of road he's speaking of? I've had oh shit moments there going under the speed limit in a passenger car. All of a sudden it feels like you're going into a ditch. An over correction during otherwise safe operating conditions can probably flip a truck there..


fuckmelikeawh0re t1_itrbqbz wrote

So chic fil a donating to anti-gay organizations is cool with you? Trump hotel rewards member? I spend money with businesses that have views I agree with whenever possible, and in 2022, I have a fuck ton of options... it's 2022, those writers can still get their word out quite easily and will only be a lost asset if they decide to be...


fuckmelikeawh0re t1_itr9h2o wrote

Keyword is was. Why are we supporting a person most claim is a right wing maniac? If Trump swoops in and buys a nostalgic Pittsburgh company, treats the employees like shit and turns around to use the profits to push his agenda we are all cool with that as well?

Yes, some of the employees will have a rough transition, and I feel for that, but why help feed the beast? Bankrupt them then the city paper can buy the name back....